🥂🍷How to 💳Adult… 💼Adulting 101 🍸🍻
Things you NEED to learn in school, BUUTTTTTTT DON’T 🤷🏾♀️
Credit..Who needs it?? YOU DO !! And you already have it you just may not know!!
Writing a Check….Ok NOT as common BUT still useful!!
Buying a House...Should you rent though? Is it the right time?
Renting an Apt….Should you buy though??? Is it the right time??
Credit Cards….DON’T fall for them!! annndddd Shoes are NOT an emergency!!
HOW TO ADULT….There is no book… or at least there is no comprehensive informational guide that provides step by step instructions from age 18 on ward… oh how I wish there was! Hummmm… so what to do? Let’s start with credit!! What is credit? In the simplest of terms, credit is your financial health score …it is that thing that banks and lenders look at to determine whether or not you are going to be able to get that money!Just keep saying to yourself, “I think I can, I think I can.”
Just keep saying to yourself, “I think I can, I think I can.”
*disclaimer I AM NOT a financial consultant, nor am I a financial guru! I am however, just a girl that learned how to make money work for her…even when I lost it all and had to try and find a way….and I'm still working on it!!
Why is credit important? Credit, in my opinion, is important for upward mobility, advancement, and to provide an opportunity for you to leave a legacy…so PAY YOUR BILLS ON TIME ⏱!! To most, this is common practice…. but for those of you who don’t understand the ramifications of neglecting to do so, let me break it down to you!! You don’t pay on time…YOU AIN’T GON RAISE THAT SCORE!! Moving on!!
Renting Vs Buying which should you do!! Alright my peeps, I can not make that choice for you, but I can give you some things I have learned over the years about both!! I got my first apartment when I was 19 in college…this is where credit comes in…. after I submitted my application they told me I needed a co-signer???? I was like A WHAAAATTT…I had to have someone else sign with me saying that they would take responsibility for this loan in the event I did not pay!! WHY? Because although I had a credit score…I did not have credit history…more on that later!! So I got a co-signer and got the apartment!!! In come the fees…1st and last month's rent…this apartment had something called overage fees (they give you a cap for utilities whatever you use over that you have to pay for)…security deposit..oh I almost forgot the application fee!! After years of bouncing around the US..which apartment life was made for…I was OVER IT 😒! I didn’t want roommates…I didn't want upstairs, downstairs, left-stairs, and right-stairs neighbors!!! I wanted my own house!!! So, I went on a search to find one….It lasted about 4 years and then I finally found one!! It’s fantastic!! At LEAST for me!! Now, when I say this I know all the finance aficionados are having conniptions, but I don’t plan on being in this house for 30 plus years…I bought it because I did not want another apartment and I looked at it as a way to start my investing!!
Success isn’t always about greatness it’s about consistency. Consistent hard work leads to success. Greatness will come
-Dewayne Johnson
Summary…If you want to bounce around the world and aren’t really sure where you want to officially live… rent…NO it’s not throwing your money away..and besides when you are ready to go you don’t have to worry about the baggage 🧳of a house you need to sell or rent… If you are prepared for the cost of home upkeep.. and you plan on being there for a while and the interest rates are in your favor buy!…why not?? However, keep in mind there are a billion other major factors to consider and this is NOT an exhaustive list, but take some time and truly decide!!
Adulthood is like looking both ways before you cross the street and then getting hit by an airplane.
Ooooo I almost forgot!!! Credit Score vs Credit History. What’s the diff?? Well EVERYONE has a credit score, as I mentioned previously this is your financial health report It’s like a grade from the government that says, based on the things they see, of how you fair with money. A credit history...This is the big deal. This says do you pay on time..which in turn, impacts your credit score. Your history is what creditors and lenders dive into, so do you have anything in your name, do you pay that thing on time consistently, basically can we trust you with our money. Now beacon score, is another beast of a different color that we can tackle later. Moving on now to .⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️
Credit Cards!!! ohhhh FREE MONEY 💵!! NewsFlashh tweenager, IT’s NOT YOURSS!!!! This was quite a fun experience for me!! NOT ( cringes from flasbacks) ……I was in college and barely able to live… I was trying to be an ADULT and not call my parents!!! So my university had this event called The Happening….and this is where it all WENT SOUTH 👎🏾!! I signed up for my first credit card with a $500.000 limit (Cha-ching 🤑) and I thought all my problems were over!!! EEEHHNN -WRONG 😑!! This card raised your limit every 6 months provided that you made on time payments!! GREAT for a responsible ADULT, terrible for a struggling COLLEGE STUDENT….. Shoes became an emergency, food became an emergency, EVERYTHING was an emergency and before I knew it, I was $2,500 in debt with interest catching up to me faster than the coyote and the road runner ( sorry showing my age again 🤣🤣)!!! So, How did I fix it?? By learning how to handle my money!! I started to budget, save and anytime I got extra money It went towards that growing debt!! I did eventually pay it off and Stopped using it!!! However, i didn't close that account because I learned that closing credit card accounts HURT your credit score, big time!! So>>>> DONT CLOSE IT!!! <<<< I still have that card and EVERYTIME I look at it… I have a sense of gratitude towards it! Jazz how can you have gratitude towards a card??? Simple that card taught me so much!! It taught me about money! It taught me about struggle, debt, interest, credit, ADULTING!
“I have decided that I no longer want to be an adult…If anyone needs me, I will be in my blanket fort…coloring.
Writing checks???? would you believe there are STILL businesses that take checks!!! GASP!!…I KNOW and some of you youngin's are like WTH is a check? lol! So a check is that thing you get every pay cycle whether it comes electronically or in the mail( do people still get checks in the mail anymore? Idk moving on) lol!!! But how do you write one?? Let’s take a look
Today’s Date
Who you are paying. Ex: Verizon Wireless
The numerical amount. Ex: $100.17
*The written amount. Ex: One hundred dollars and 17/00
What the check is for. Ex: January 2021 Phone Bill
Your signature
*NOTE: I was also taught to draw a line from the end of the written amount to the word dollars if your handwriting does not fill up that line!! That way no one can modify the check*
As always, thank you ALL for allowing me to share my passions with you and I hope that my blog inspires you to go after what you want and believe in yourself in every aspect, because I believe in you! Now strike your POWER POSE 🕺💃- We got this, NOW LET’S GET TO IT!!!
Keep Shining Loves
-💕 Jazz