Black HerStory Month Day 11
It’s 2009 and she is 30 years old living at home with her parents, sleeping in the SAME bed she did when she was in middle school. She’s flat broke, debt through the roof, no job, and she couldn’t save a dollar if you begged her to! She is THE BUDGETNISTA!! She has helped hundreds of thousands of women take control of their life, their finances, and their futures…including ME! -Wait, wait wait, yep I know, it’s the same person, Just keep reading She is America’s favorite financial educator, and MY FAVORITE LIBRAAAAA!!! That millionaire- EXACTLY you heard me right, I said MILLIONAIRE, ok, carry on-with the kinky hair, that Sista with the coins, and that teacher who has a passion for empowerment! Who is she you may ask? Well, she is none other than Mrs. Tiffany Aliche’ (Ah-Lee-Shay).
How It Started: Born October 16th, 1979 in Newark NJ, The Budgetnista will forever be a teacher at heart!! At 26, Tiffany found herself in $35,000 worth of credit card debt after giving a friend cash advances to invest. In an interview with HuffPost Live Tiffany said” “I ‘mistakenly’ got into about $35,000 worth of debt—credit card debt—when I was 26, because I trusted a ‘friend’ of mine. I asked him to help me invest. I had no previous credit card debt, and he said, you should open up these three credit cards and take out cash advances, and give it to me to invest. And before I could say, ‘yes, I’m stupid,’ he was gone and so was the money.” Now, at the age of 26, If this was me, I most certainly wouldn’t know what to do..hahaha who am I kidding….THIS WAS ME, well maybe not $35,000 but I had debt, and I DIDN’T know what to do! But, NOT The Budgetnista, at the time, Tiffany was a schoolteacher, making maybe $35-$40k…MAYBE but instead of filliping out over the “loss” she turned this into a lesson that would rid her of that debt within three years!!! YASSSSS!!!! From this she founded the Live Richer Academy, which provides realistic financial lifestyles giving you the freedom to MASTER your goals, and CRUSH your dreams! AND IT”S AWESOMME!!!!. If you have listened to her speak, you know that Queen Aliche’ give heavy credit to her 10-year tenure as a preschool teacher for why she is so thorough in her presentation. If you know a teacher personally, you know they EXPLAIN EVERYTHING!!! lol, in this case it is FANTASTIC!! For many people, financial acumen is not something we just have, so for a person like Tiffany, to be a vessel, willing to share such powerful information, in a way that is easily understood and received by many is nothing short of miraculous!
“Debt-free does not equal wealth. First things first, in a recession, you want to be cash strong. Normally I’m like, get really aggressive with paying down your debt. That’s great, but if you don’t have savings, and you’re debt-free, and an emergency comes up, you’re going to use debt to help you do that emergency.”
“Make your financial well being a priority and stop spending on nonessential items. According to Webster’s Dictionary, essential means: absolutely necessary; indispensable; vital. What definition are you using? Is your definition keeping you in financial bondage?”
How It’s Going: An award-winning teacher of financial education, The title, as previously stated, of America’s favorite financial coach, Dream Catcher’s, Live Richer Academy, Live Richer Challenge, Seven Figure net worth, over 700 thousand women helped, and the life She WROTE for HERSELF!!!! With those things I would say it’s going pretty dang good for The Budgetnista. Tiffany has made it her mission to empower women and provide them with access to the tools and resources they need to create a better financial life for themselves and their families. #YouGoGirl!
With her company, The Budgetnista, Tiffany has made it possible for over 700 thousand women to experience the feeling of financial control! She has given them the opportunity to save over $100 MILLION, afforded them the opportunity to pay of over $80 million in debt, buy homes and re-define what it means to be A BOSS!!! And you wonder why she’s America’s Favorite Financial Advisor!! Because she LOVES what she does, and you can see it. She doesn’t try to “Nickle and dime” you. NOW, Don’t get me wrong, you WILL pay for her services, but she gives you what I call, “Tiffany Tid-bits” for free! She quite frequently, goes live on instagram, and offers free financial education opportunities! She also has a free Facebook group called Dream Catchers-Live Richer,of which I am a member! This group is full of women who want to “ Get They Money Right” it is a group where we help each other, offer advice, share our success, and are vulnerable! OH, but wait, DON”T even THINK about coming in criticizing, making fun of, or down talking, because The Queen WILL BLOCK YOU!! She does NOT play that!!! This group is strictly meant to uplift, and encourage, and also to let you know that you are NOT alone!! It’s SO amazing!! Tiffany is quoted saying, “It’s my greatest desire to see people live richer lives and I truly believe that one of the most effective ways to do so is to provide access to the tools and resources they need.”
She credits, many times over, her parents, her years as a preschool teacher, and the city of New Jersey, for shaping The Budgetnista’s purpose! The city of New Jersey, much like many larger inner cities, has been abandoned on the financial front and Tiffany has made it her mission to provide people that are otherwise neglected, the access and resources to “ Live Richer”. So much so, that In 2019, Tiffany transformed her commitment into legislation when she partnered with Angela V. McKnight to write a bill that was later signed into Law A1414 (The Budgetnista Law). This law made it mandatory for financial education to be integrated into all middle schools in New Jersey. #DontMessWithABlackWomanOnAMission.
I am grateful for what this amazing woman has done in the community and in the world! She has sparked a craze that only makes you better! She has lit a match under the flames of financial freedom and poured the accelerant on the fire of abundant success. For someone to be as genuine as she is and as passionate about helping, teaching, and leading as she is, there is NO doubt that she DESERVES everything she has achieved!
“Please, do not let fear or laziness be the reason you continue to struggle financially, I cannot stress this enough.”
Tiffany and her SuperMan
“My job as a teacher is to create a safe space for you to learn and grow. It is not for me to tell you credit cards are the devil,” she says. “I’m here to give you the best information possible so you can decide how to make the best choices for yourself.”
Where to Find More: We all, well at least most of us, want to be financially stable. So If you are curious how to start, or just want more information on this AMAZING human being, just click here
Thank you Tiffany for helping me get my life together, I still have a bit more to do, and I have a bit more to learn, but, thank you for giving me the opportunity to try! You gave me the resources I need to transform my financial life for the better, and for that, I am forever grateful!
As always, thank you ALL for allowing me to share my passions with you and I hope that my blog inspires you to go after what you want and believe in yourself in every aspect, because I believe in you! Now strike your POWER POSE 🕺💃- We got this, NOW LET’S GET TO IT!!!
Keep Shining Loves
-💕 Jazz