Your reputation precedes you!
Make yours something THEY want to HEAR about!!
Hola mi compadres!! I Hope your holiday season has been nothing short of AH-MAZE-ING!! Granted, it may be a little different this year with COVID-19 and all it’s wonderful restrictions, but that just means we get creative! As the holiday season winds down and we head into a new year, what better way to go than to talk about that money!! Many of us may have spent WAYYYYYYY too much, GUILTY!!! lol, but, now let’s fix it!!
Ok, money is ALWAYS a sensitive topic for many people, and quite honestly, I don’t know why. Ya know what, I take that back, I do know why! There was a time in my life when I DREADED looking at my bank account because it was either going to be overdrawn, or I wasn’t going to have enough to cover the next bill due! And, I’ll be the FIRST to tell you, THAT IS NOT THE BUSINESS!! I don’t want you DREADING your bank account balance, I want you to be able to look at your account with confidence and security, and know that you are ok!
Now, disclaimer, I am NOT a professional financial advisor, but, I have mastered my finances on a small level, therefore preparing for increase, and I want to help you do the same! So, let’s get started! First of all, I want you to take a minute and think about ALL the things you spend your money on, down to the pack of gum you buy at the store! Ok, it may seem trivial but look at it like this, if you buy a pack of gum everyday at $1.00 that is $365.00 you spend on JUST GUM!! Now, maybe you’re like, Jazz “Who buys gum EVERYDAY”, Alright, I hear ya, so let’s say you do it weekly! That’s still $52.00 on JUST GUM!!
Educate yourself, that’s the best way to get better! Benjamin Franklin said it best, An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.
The way that I learned to take back my financial life is by keeping track of EVERYTHING!! You can write yours down if you want, but I have this app that helps me track my expenses! You can google the best one for you! Next, I joined this Facebook group, Dream Catchers, maybe you’ve heard of it! It’s a group of people that want to take control of their lives, and that starts with taking control of your finances! After I did that I set EVERYTHING I could, on automatic payment, best decision EVER! Now, those of you that are saying “I don’t have the money for that” “ I don’t want them taking my money”, and “ what if I don’t have it in there”, I want to keep it AS REAL with you as I can….
It’s free to do through your bank, if you don’t know how visit your local branch as ask someone they will be more than happy to help you
It’s NOT your money if you OWE someone
THAT’s the PROBLEM- if you don’t have the money in there WE need to figure out how to get it in there and KEEP it in there until that bill is PAID!!
You have ALL the power to change your financial situation. NO, it may not be EASY, but it’s NOT impossible! NO, it may not happen tomorrow, but with consistency it WILL happen!! Build your financial foundation TODAY for your legacy TOMORROW!
The next thing I did was pay off my debts, now I DO still have student loan debt, which, by the way, is COMPLETLY ridiculous, people try an better themselves, and in some cases are left with a MOUNTAIN of debt afterwards, but, I digress. So, yea, pay off your debts! HOW? you ask, “How do I pay off my debts when I can barely afford my regularly bills? I hear you and this is what I’ve got for you! Move things around, make your money stretch, get rid of the things you don’t need at the moment, get a side hustle. The Dream Catcher Founder said “get down to your noodle budget”. What’s that? It’s the budget you would have if you ate ramen for every meal! One thing I have learned over the years is employment income is NOT promised! You can get fired, a pandemic can happen, you can get sick, or injured etc. So, you have to take care of you and yours!
Establish some credit! Get you a secured credit card, purchase a piece of jewelry and make payments, there is another app I used early on in my “get my life right” plan, that gives you the opportunity to establish credit WITHOUT costing you anything, I know right, I didn’t believe it either click here to learn more!
Believe in yourself FIRST and KNOW that you CAN do this, you CAN change your habits!
The last thing I did was I took my money out of banks! WHAAATTTT, hear me out! I keep enough in the “bank” to cover my bills and EVERYTHING else is in the stock market! Now, this is what works for me! This may not work for you! But, the stock market has become my “side hustle”. Is it risky? YEP, am I willing to take that risk HELLZ YEA!! I have been able to pay off my debt, catch up on bills and get my life back on track, since loosing my “high paying” job, all with the help of the stock market!
MOST IMPORTANT thing I’ve learned! DON’T spend money BEFORE you GET it!! If you can’t afford to buy it, you DON’T need it!! -Jazz
Summary: So what am I saying? Talk about your finances, build a budget, the only way something gets better is if you talk about it. FYI, NOT looking at your bank balance doesn’t change it! YOU change it by taking action. Write down your expenses…EVERYTHING! if your input (money in) does not equal your output (money out or accounted for) then your numbers aren’t right, and you need to revisit. For example: your Net income (after taxes, take home pay) is $3000 after you have added your bills, savings, miscellaneous and all, your total is $2700, you are missing $300 somewhere that isn’t accounted for and you need to revisit your expense report. Get a financial support system! I can not stress enough how important this is! You NEED someone to hold you accountable! Set up autopay! It will change ya life! Pay off your debts! Start with the smallest one first and work your way up, financial aficionados call it “the snowball method”. So, you will pay off your smallest debt first and then take the money from that one and apply it to the next one and the next one and so fourth until you are DEBT FREE!! And finally, establish you some credit! I do hope these tips help you get closer to your FANTASTIC FINANCES, whatever that looks like for you! I am not saying you have to be rich, I AM saying that you DESERVE to be in charge of your life and your financial future, at ANY level!
As always, thank you ALL for allowing me to share my passions with you and I hope that my blog inspires you to go after what you want and believe in yourself in every aspect, because I believe in you! Now strike your POWER POSE 🕺💃- We got this, NOW LET’S GET TO IT!!!
Keep Shining Loves