Are YOU?
Real Estate, Bitcoin, Forex, Taxes, Life Coach, and Photographer, now and days ERRRRBOY and they grandma, auntie, cousin's sister, is self-employed and they want you to be also! But Do YOU want to be? It's no secret that the entrepreneur life isn't for everybody, but is it for you? Being a self-sustaining, self-employed enterprise will be my biggest accomplishment yet! Since starting my blog, I have created a podcast, "Blue Moon Vibes," and a non-profit, The Fountain City Difference Project Inc, and now I want to start Airbnb hosting! I know, I know, "Girl, you doing the most"! But here's the thing, I don't think I'm doing enough. Ya, see, I have this problem. I don't want to work for a corporation that I don't directly benefit from yea, my job pays me, that's great, but I can't leave that job with my future generations. Now, I want to say this, for those of you who enjoy the corporate life and have no desire to work for yourself, I commend you; you have found your calling or passion, and you are living your best life, and that is what it's all about, I'm sorta jealous of you, on the finding your calling part that is!
Now, ME, on the other hand, the thought of having to give my time to something that isn't in my name in one form or another makes me want to pull my hair out, lol! Here is the kicker though folks, I have NO IDEA how to make these things work the way I want… or maybe I don't have as much patience as I initially believed myself to have. Let me tell yall a funny story; as of this blog, I have officially had my non-profit for about a month, I started a go-fund-me to raise money for our first event next year, and as of now haven't had much success. Where is the funny part, right? I'm getting there hold on, so the day after launching, of course, I posted to Facebook and all those fantastic things. I expected the donations to come pouring in, like bang, bang bang! LOL, yep, NOPE. After I didn't see any money and have still yet to, I said, welp, it's official the event isn't going to happen! IKR, after only two days!! This is where the mind comes in. Yes, I was bumped and still am, But I believe in this cause, I believe in the purpose, I believe in the work, and I know that it is good! There are times I doubt myself in my many endeavors, and I am sure you do too, but the question we need to ask ourselves is, do we trust our abilities? Do we think that we are worth it? Can we do the work? Does the world need this? If we can confidently answer YES to these questions, then WE WILL MAKE IT!! The money will come, do the work! Repeat after me; THE MONEY WILL COME, DO THE WORK!
Much like when I started this blog, initially, I started with the sole purpose to "make bank," lol, but as I re-framed my focus, I realized that was not a strong enough reason because if the money doesn't come right away, then I'll get discouraged and stop. So I went back to the drawing board. I sat down and asked why? I needed this WHY to be strong enough so that when times got tough, when the money didn't come, and when I wanted to give up, I could look back and know it would all be worth it! What I came up with was this>>>
"Anything I do for myself from this point forward will not be motivated by monetary accolades but will strictly be something I want to do because it brings me peace, comfort, and joy. I want to start a blog because I can positively impact the lives of others, I can be that friend for miles they may need I can be a metaphorical ear to listen, and I can be that light, like the one I needed in a pretty dark time in my life.”
This is my WHY! Not only does it serve its purpose for my blog, but also my non-profit, my podcast, and my life, so when I get down and discouraged, because I haven't gotten donations, or my podcast numbers aren't super huge, I think about this and why I started in the first place! I challenge you TODAY right now to develop your WHY! I mean it right now, stop reading and go do it, okay, you back? What did you uncover? Share it with me in the comments. I want to know! I live for the day that I can add billionaire to my repertoire. Not for the accolades but to have the resources needed to disseminate eternal wealth through the generational lineages. What about you? We got a lot to talk about in these comments! Let me know what you want to add to your repertoire and while you are doing that, let me know your WHY! Make sure it's solid now. I'll be waiting! Peace. Love. And Blessings to you!
Social Handles
As always, thank you ALL for allowing me to share my passions and experiences with you! I hope that my blog inspires you to go after what you want and believe in yourself, because I believe in you! Now strike your POWER POSE- We got this, LET’S GET TO IT!!
Keep Shining Loves