🌖 Blue Moon Vibes 🌘 Series 10 Ep. 02
Pride Cometh Before the Fall
Welcome Back to Blue Moon Vibes! The podcast that makes you laugh a lil' bit, cry a lil' bit, and think a lil' bit! My goal is to be the one that gives you more than you asked! I hope you can find value in these topics, and they become something that you talk amongst your friends and family about! Don't shy away from challenging issues because that is where growth happens! The change you want to see is the change you must create! We are worthy, we are tenacious, we are strong, and we are purposeful! The only way to erase the divide is to come together as a nation and treat each other as people, with respect and courtesy!
Pride Cometh Before The Fall
It's Series 10 Episode 2
hey guys, today we conclude our discussion on pride vs. arrogance. As you will hear, myself and Soul Brotha have stark differences in the meanings of both. While he believes they are the same, I think that too much of one causes the other! People tend to take pride in something they worked hard to accomplish, as they should, right? The construct in that comes from believing that no one else can do it and that you must now boast about your achievements in a way that demeans, condescends, and devalues the efforts of your predecessors, successors, and current colleagues.
Websters defines pride in three ways:
As a noun:
a feeling of deep pleasure or satisfaction derived from one's own achievements, the achievements of those with whom one is closely associated, or from qualities or possessions that are widely admired.
The consciousness of one's own dignity.
As a Verb:
Be incredibly proud of (a particular quality or skill).
Similar words:
pleasure, joy, delight, gratification, fulfillment, satisfaction sense of achievement, comfort, content, contentment
Arrogant is defined as an adjective to mean
having or revealing an exaggerated sense of one's own importance or abilities.
Similar words:
haughty, conceited, hubristic, self-important, opinionated, egotistic, full of oneself, superior, overbearing, pompous, high-handed, swaggering
I believe that the difference between the two is attitude! Do you agree with Soul Brotha' that there is no difference, or do you think the difference is your attitude? We would love to know what you think! Let us know in the comments.
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