🌖 Blue Moon Vibes 🌘 Series 2 Ep. 1

🤨 You AIN’T Black Enough or Hood Enough, But You A Cheater Tho’ 😮

As we begin series 2, I want to make something CLEAR. BLACK PEOPLE are GREAT PEOPLE, and we have some of the most interesting stories, attitudes, aspirations, and lives. With that said, I want to see us do BETTER! Why? Because We must!  There is no amount of negativity that hurts more than when it comes from your own people! Why are we talking about the negative aspects of the community? Because if we don’t then, we can’t fix them! Each of us knows the POWER that lies within us! We each are painfully aware of the strength we have in relation to others, the unsung “fear” that our SKIN COLOR inflicts on others, therefore causing, for many of us, a demise too soon!! But GOD!! We as a people must relinquish the “hood” mindset. We don’t have to be what other people call us! We are capable of more; we are destined for greater. Our ancestors DESERVE to be honored through our actions in a way that is pleasing to them! DON’T allow their protests, statements of peace, and struggle for equality (more on this later) to fall on deaf ears!!

Welcome Back to Blue Moon Vibes! The podcast that makes you laugh a Lil bit, cry a Lil bit, and think a Lil bit! My goal is to be the one that gives you more than you asked for! I hope you can find value in these topics and they become something that you talk amongst your friends and family about! Don’t shy away from tough issues because that is where growth happens! The change you want to see is the change you must create! I want us to think about why these issues are a problem in our community! Until we understand why it’s not a US vs. THEM thing; it’s a US vs. US thing, we will CONTINUE to fight the WRONG thing!! The fight is within YOU!! I love you all!

Keep Shining Loves



🌖 Blue Moon Vibes 🌘 Series 2 Ep. 2


🌖 Blue Moon Vibes 🌘 Series 1 Ep. 4