All Things Jazzie

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🌖 Blue Moon Vibes 🌘 Series 6 Ep. 4

Your Ship May Be Sinking

Welcome Back to Blue Moon Vibes! The podcast that makes you laugh a lil' bit, cry a lil' bit, and think a lil' bit! My goal is to be the one that gives you more than you asked! I hope you can find value in these topics, and they become something that you talk amongst your friends and family about! Don't shy away from challenging issues because that is where growth happens! The change you want to see is the change you must create! We are worthy, we are tenacious, we are strong, and we are purposeful! The only way to erase the divide is to come together as a nation and treat each other as people, with respect and courtesy!

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It's Series 6 Episode 4 . Today, we discuss some of the reasons that friendships fall apart? There are times that in friendships where things become one-sided. We can spend so much time trying to pour into another person because you have been together for so long, and we may feel that we are obligated to be there. Understand that the length of time that you have known someone does not dictate their privilege of a place in your life. You deserve peace on all your ships, and you deserve to have effort put in for you!. As Lady Dee and PBid said, they have found the dynamic that works for them in their friendship, and you have to find that dynamic for you and your friends. Know that may look different with each friend because they are different, but the dynamic should yield the same results. 

Your soul is valuable, your sanity just as equal. Your time is precious, and your worth is priceless. Your friendship, relationship, partnership, or whatever should be where BOTH parties involved are benefiting equally and one where no judgment is passed, communication is free. Advice is from a place of love, not jealousy. So to answer the topic of the show, some of the reasons friendships fall apart are lack of communication, unequal effort, vindictiveness, judgment, and unrest. Would you please take time and look over the ships you have in your life? Do any of them possess these characteristics? If so, you may want to cut ties. It won't be easy, but it will be worth it. 

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Facebook: All Things Jazzie 

Youtube: All That Jazz



For All Things Jazzie-

End The City's Violence- 

Music By:

Ketsa-Soul Work

The New World

Keep Shining Loves
