All Things Jazzie

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🌖 Blue Moon Vibes 🌘 Series 5 Ep.4

Black Excellence

Welcome Back to Blue Moon Vibes! The podcast that makes you laugh a lil' bit, cry a lil' bit, and think a lil' bit! My goal is to be the one that gives you more than you asked! I hope you can find value in these topics, and they become something that you talk amongst your friends and family about! Don't shy away from challenging issues because that is where growth happens! The change you want to see is the change you must create! We are worthy, we are tenacious, we are strong, and we are purposeful! The only way to erase the divide is to come together as a nation and treat each other as people, with respect and courtesy!

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It's Series 5 Episode 4. We are BLACK EXCELLENCE! We're back at it, and we keep it moving. Today we talk about the biggest struggle in the black community and why. The black community has been at a disadvantage for decades. As time goes on, we continue to crush barriers and defy the odds. We continue to prove throughout all we have been through at the hands of the oppressor that we will prevail. Don't let the world tell you that you are cleaning houses, plunging toilets, or anything like it is beneath you. You have the freedom to dream, and your goals are your own. 

Take a moment and focus your perspective and develop a plan to execute your objectives. There is always someone who will have more money than you or someone who will look better than you or be more successful. But it's not about trying to impress other people, and it's about you trying to be the best you can be for yourself. Understanding that you are the creator of your destiny and you hold the cards to your journey. The excellence that lives within you needs to be shared. There is someone that can benefit from your talents. 

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