🌖 Blue Moon Vibes 🌘 Series 1 Ep. 3
😥Kill Em OR Stick Together, WHY They're GAY Anyway!😫
Do you know Rodney King, Ahamad Arbery, Trayvon Martin? Murderous mindsets eliminate the threat! They are too great to be here! They were threating my life! That gay ish don’t fly round’ here! A black man can do ANYTHING but be gay! If you aren’t helping me then you got to go! My questions to you all are the following, why is a Black Man minding his own business a threat? Why is a gay black man a problem? Why can’t we come together as a people and help each other and work together! The GREATNESS of THE BLACK MAN is a talent to behold! Treat yourself as the KING you are!!
My goal is to be the one that gives you more than you asked for! I hope that you can find value in these topics and they become something that you talk amongst your friends and family about! Don’t shy away from tough issues because that is where growth happens! The change you want to see is the change you have to create! I want us to think about why these issues are a problem in our community! Until we understand why it’s not an US vs THEM thing it’s an US vs US thing, we will CONTINUE to fight the WRONG thing!! The fight is within YOU!! I love you all!
Special Guests
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