🌖 Blue Moon Vibes 🌘 Series 12 Ep. 05
My previous idea of "honest" was not caring what came out of my mouth. If it came to my head, it came out my mouth. As I have gotten older, I have refined this idea. Although I am still honest, I choose my words cautiously while still getting my point across. We then move on to Amazon. I know how on earth did that happen? Listen, you will find out, lol! So would you instead shop online or in person? But how about that Jeff Bezos man! This man has mastered the art of online presence and DOMINATED!

🌖 Blue Moon Vibes 🌘 Series 12 Ep. 04
He is who I WANT to be; he doesn't let setbacks stop him from the mission at hand. I believe it is a show for ALL ages because many times as we get older, we can get set in our ways, forget how we got there, forget that someone had to help us, and forget that we don't know everything! These are the principles that Hiku reminds us of! NO ONE is too big to LEARN from someone else,