π Blue Moon Vibes π Series 13 Ep. 03
Our goal here will always be to be genuine, to be honest, and to be relatable. We want you all to know that we are just a few friends having fun and talking about life, and we hope you can relate. Make sure you share it with someone if you laughed at one of PBid's statements, or if one of Lady Dee's comments made you think, of if Jazz had you going, WTF! Because we want to bring the gift of thought-provoking questions and meaningful conversations to a household near you!

π Blue Moon Vibes π Series 13 Ep. 02
We all understand that racism is a thing and that colorism is as well, but why does my skin color dictate my worth or lack-there-of? LadyDee raises a strong point that the media plays a vital part in perpetuating the colorism standard and the disenfranchisement of darker skin-toned humans. Do you all believe we will EVER get to a place where we are not judged by the color of our skin?

π Blue Moon Vibes π Series 13 Ep. 01
Black America. Not only because it is Black History month but because it is a chance to spotlight and CELEBRATE EVERYTHING black and positive! Join us on today's show to discuss why the term ethnic is used to describe black people. And then we have PBid with his Caucascity.... So let's back up a bit what is ethnic?

π Blue Moon Vibes π Series 12 Ep. 05
My previous idea of "honest" was not caring what came out of my mouth. If it came to my head, it came out my mouth. As I have gotten older, I have refined this idea. Although I am still honest, I choose my words cautiously while still getting my point across. We then move on to Amazon. I know how on earth did that happen? Listen, you will find out, lol! So would you instead shop online or in person? But how about that Jeff Bezos man! This man has mastered the art of online presence and DOMINATED!

π Blue Moon Vibes π Series 12 Ep. 04
He is who I WANT to be; he doesn't let setbacks stop him from the mission at hand. I believe it is a show for ALL ages because many times as we get older, we can get set in our ways, forget how we got there, forget that someone had to help us, and forget that we don't know everything! These are the principles that Hiku reminds us of! NO ONE is too big to LEARN from someone else,

π Blue Moon Vibes π Series 12 Ep. 03
Our lives are all written for a specific purpose, and we will live our truths through the choices we make. Have you ever thought about what the next page of your book will say? As we all know, life is not for the faint at heart, and it should not be taken lightly. You deserve someone in your life that tells you what you need to hear, not what you WANT to hear.

π Blue Moon Vibes π Series 12 Ep. 02
My post more or less stated that I now understand they were telling me who I was before I knew! So 2022 is #BEASTMODE. So on today's episode, we continue with our discussion around the belief that financially affluent black people don't understand what it means to be black. Why do you believe that black people have crushed stereotypes, risen above our originally impoverished destinyβ¦

π Blue Moon Vibes π Series 12 Ep. 01
Well, do you? Do you feel that the mistakes, lessons, triumphs, and setbacks that are part of your story will matter to anyone or even yourself? We also question why "the community" believes that financially affluent black people don't know what it means to be black. This, to me, is insane.

π Blue Moon Vibes π Series 11 Ep. 04
Today is a day of cherishing those that make your life worth living, although every day should be that it's something about the holiday season that presses that messes home just a bit harder. I want all of you to have a safe love-filled holiday season, and I pray that you can develop a plan to manifest all your dreams. The previous days may have made you feel you didn't deserve it.