Chasing Waterfalls In The Forest
10 -Year Promise
Hey girl, hey, My -year promise to you is prosperity—the gift of contentment and true peace, happiness, and Love. My 10-year promise to you is to have the success you want, the family you wish to, and the life you will work for! I promise you your life will be plentiful, your smile will be bigger, and your reach will be broader than you could have ever imagined. I promise you beautiful that your life in 10 years will look better, feel better, and sound better than you could have ever envisioned. I promise you, my girl, that you will have everything you deserve! Keep your head up, beautiful, continue to work, and do it for your future; I promise you, it WILL be worth it!
“I haven’t been resting, just sleeping”
Whew, Chie ya girl is tied! Ya’ll it’s a different type of sleep up here. I slept for 12 hours two days straight and actually RESTED! It was so peaceful, A refreshing kind of sleep that everyone needs. But today was a good day minus the slight imposition with my vehicle. I got up around 9, made myself breakfast, took the pupster to do her business, and then decided to check out one of the places on the map provided by my gracious host! I had my heart set on seeing a waterfall ya’ll, Idk why. I just think they are majestically beautiful, so I found one 20-minutes away, Sea Creek Falls! I was so excited, I loaded up the car, and we headed out! My hopes and dreams quickly came crashing down when I realized there was no way to get there from my car OR on foot! Or maybe I just didn’t know what I was doing, anywho; When I got there, first I thought I was in the wrong spot because it was on a gravel track off the main road…freaky, but I continued because I really wanted to see it! I follow my GPS to a forested cul-de-sac, and now I’m at a standstill.
I was immediately confused because a creek ran through what looked like the path to the waterfall. I exit my vehicle in search of someone to ask, no luck! I walk a bit closer to the creek, thinking maybe it’s not that deep, and my puppy and I can walk through it, NOT!
With my dreams now crushed, I head back to the main road. About ½ mile from the gravel dirt road, I hear this thudding sound under my car and start to get concerned, because remember, I’m in the middle of the forest, NO SERVICE! So, I pull over thankfully on an incline so that I can look under my car! It turns out the gravel knocked the screws out of the undercarriage cover, and it was hanging, so I just wiggled it loose and unscrewed the other two, and took it off! Problem solved! I drive for about another mile, and I see this gorgeous open field with a marvelous mountain backdrop, and I just had to stop!! Ya’ll it was so picturesque, it looked like a painting!!
The pictures don’t do it justice! After my mini photoshoot, I head back to my cabin to have lunch and find another waterfall! While I was driving, I heard this metal screeching sound. I thought I had run over something, so I slowed down, and I didn’t hear it anymore, I accelerated, and then I heard it again, this time louder, WTF, so I pulled over again, this time by a creek! Picture time!
Vulnerable Moment:
“I fear not being enough”
After I figure out this noise, lol! So, I look under the car again, and this time it’s a metal flap that came loose, and the scraping was coming from it, catching the wind and getting pushed down. So thankful I had driven far enough out of the forest to have two bars, so I put in a roadside request. Once I realized that I was only a mile from my cabin, I decided to drive back; at least I would be in a place I felt comfortable. When I get back to the cabin, I call Progressive and get the run around from 3 different agents!
I was not used to this, NOT from Progressive! After getting utterly pissed and no help, I just decided to see if I could fix it myself; it turns out, ya girl is chock-full of ingenuities! Once it was fixed, I came in, had lunch, and looked up waterfalls! I found one at Vogel State Park. On my way there, I realized I was about to run out of gas, so I found a fantastic little country store, and it was the weirdest thing: I didn’t even see the pumps. I saw where it had the prices, so I knew I must have missed the pups, so I turned around. When I pulled into the parking lot, I saw the. They were those old-school pumps!
Here is where it gets sad, I was looking for a place to put my card, and I didn’t see a card reader, so I went in and asked the clerks, “um, how do I get gas” yall her answer floored me she said “oh you just go out and pump it and then come in and tell us how much you used” WHAAATTTT!! So I mosey on back outside to start pumping. I grab the nozzle and try to start pumping, but nothing happens! So I walk over to the tank part and notice a lever, so I pull it and hear the gas start flowing! But yall, guess what? It wasn’t a digital dial; it was one of those tick dial-up things. I was so confused *facepalm* I felt so, IDK, so just wrong! LOL, I just thought yall would like to know that ya girl was out here traveling back in time!
Keep Chasing Waterfalls, in the forest at least!
“Ya girl went time traveling”
After that ordeal, I headed to the park! I will say this: this was possibly the most underwhelming of all the state parks I have visited. Idk if it is just the layout or the size but, I was not impressed, but I will say this the waterfall made up for my lack of awe with the grounds! IT WAS STUNNING! Of course, I had a photoshoot! Lol Now, the walk a bit was nerving for me, partly because I didn’t know where I was going and partly because it was through the forest, literally through the woods! But I made it! Here is the kicker, I was following the directions of the park personnel. I could have gone the other way and been out in the open the entire time and not had 122 million heart palpitations each time I heard leaves rustle. After we left the park, we came back to the cabin had dinner, and that was it for us! WE hope you enjoyed our day as much as we did; make sure you come back tomorrow for day 3!
.As always, thank you ALL for allowing me to share my passions and experiences with you! I hope that my blog inspires you to go after what you want and believe in yourself because I believe in you! Now strike your POWER POSE- We got this, LET’S GET TO IT!!
Keep Shining Loves