A Forrest Getaway
Say Yes
Say yes! To the peace, you find in nature, say yes! It is that of calm and comfort. Say yes to the joy found in self-care because it’s the measure of your appreciation of your worth! Lean not on the materials because they will fade. Say yes yes to rest, not just sleep, say yes, to living, not just existing, say yes to those things that matter most! Say yes to you, your most valuable asset!
“I haven’t been resting, just sleeping”
Hey friends, we have reached the end of my three-week celebration. So, for my last week of festivities, I decided to re-charge off the grid! I don’t know if you all have heard of getaway house, but that’s where I went. It is essentially a collection of cabins in the woods. My day started early because I still had things to finish before officially unplugging myself for a whole week! So, I made sure to dot all my I’s and cross all my t’s, and then we were off! Check-in was at three, and I arrived at 3:22, the drive wasn’t too bad, about 3 hours, and I had the best little riding partner!
I will say this if you plan on visiting and doing your research as I did; most of them talked about the winding road up to the cabins and how awful it was. I will say this, It was extremely winding, but they had signs at every turn that warned you, and if you don’t try and take the corners like a speed demon, they are manageable! But you will be winding for about 30 minutes.
Another thing that you may want to be aware of is cell service or lack thereof. I lost my Pandora about 3 mins before arrival, but my maps kept working. I haven’t had many issues other than that. I can send text messages and get phone calls if need be. I haven’t tried my internet, and I don’t plan to; after all, the point is to disconnect anyway, right! Once I got closer to my destination, I began to see the mountains and excitement cascaded through me like that feeling you get when that direct deposit hit! YEP, that one! As I was driving, there were so many perfect spots to stop and take in the view!
Vulnerable Moment:
“I want to be as strong as people think I am!”
I most certainly capitalized on that opportunity on the way back! When I got there, I took in all the wonder; my cabin was Casimir. I felt like I finally got the nature for which I had been longing. I came in unpacked, made myself some dinner or wand me my pupster went on a bit of walk! We walked around the grounds looking at the other adventurers and their cabins. Of the ones I saw, I got even more excited! I don’t know if it was from the endorphins of being in nature or just pure bliss from being disconnected from the world. After we finished our walk, we headed back to our home for the next few days, cleaned up from the day, took a few pics for you guys, and took my puppy out for one more peruse around to potty! So, remember I said my cabin’s name was Casimir, right! Check this out; it was a start view!!! I got a star view! Ya’ll When I tell you the stars were the most beautiful thing I have seen in a long time, I mean it! These can’t be the same stars from back home; they just can’t!
Keep going to see what my cabin looked like!
Closest cabin
“The peace you find in nature is that of calm and comfort”
You know how in the city, yea, we see a few stars here and there but out here where there is no light to interfere, you see tons and it is so magical and peaceful, or at least it was for me! Yall when I tell you it was dark, I mean ADVANCED darkness, I couldn’t even see my hand in front of my face! (Ahhh, the tranquility) On top of that, it was cold, and I LOVE the cold!! I put on my onesie, yep, I said onesie, and I sat outside with the pupster for about an hour! After my toes were just shy of freezing, we came back in cuddled up under the blanket with a good book, and that was the end of day 1! Stay tuned for tomorrow’s adventure! It’s going to be a good one, at least I hope so, lol!
.As always, thank you ALL for allowing me to share my passions and experiences with you! I hope that my blog inspires you to go after what you want and believe in yourself because I believe in you! Now strike your POWER POSE- We got this, LET’S GET TO IT!!
Keep Shining Loves
Enjoy my photo-dump
My Cabin!!!!