The Macabre Before Merriment
Five Balls-Inspired By Sundar Pichai
Work of rubber, life, soul, family, and health of glass, the juggling of each must be done by a professional! I have tried to practice and failed 10x's over, the frustration, confusion, and pure defeat. Hatred, furry, rath, and all, each enveloping me like a cocoon. Realizing now, each step was vital, for after, a strong, powerful, beautiful new being emerges. One that understands work can bounce back. My soul can shatter, and the pieces will not return to their previous seamless state. My family can crack, with no way of sealing, splintered health fractured life, and no wand in the world can restore it anew. Seeing my balls through new eyes and imagining the state of pure bliss and joy that accompanies the realization that peace is possible, just bounce the rubber ball!
“They got wasted and I got a good Laugh”
So yall, just before we end the month of November, I want to tell yall about my fantabulous Halloween Party, lol WHAAATTT I know, I know, but everything in due time lol and time is due! So, I had a Halloween gathering with my friends, and it was awesome! It ended up being a surprise birthday party for PBid. If you guys listen to my podcast, Blue Moon Vibes, you know who that is! If not, WHAT ARE YOU DOINGGG?? LOL, One thing about PBid is that he does NOT like to celebrate his birthday; it is a reminder that he is one year older! Lol But, we were NOT letting that happen this year! I wanted him to know that we love him and that his birthday is a blessing because not everyone gets to make it to *21* lol *wink wink*! in case you are wondering I was Mrs. Krueger!
As we grow older, we can sometimes fall into a rut of dreading birthday's as you guys read in my 31st Solar Return blog, I was that person. Until this year, I dreaded my birthday because I felt like I was nowhere NEAR where I SHOULD be, but this year taught me I was exactly where I NEEDED to be! In 31st Solar Return, I spoke about how my 31st year would be my BEST year yet, and let me tell yall, IT MOST CERTAINLY HAS!
If you follow me on Instagram, All.Thatt.Jazz, then you know that I have some big news in store for you all! These past two weeks have been top-tier amazing for me, but I digress. So we played some games, danced, gave out mounds of candy to adorable trick-or-treaters, and a few that were a bit past adorable age, lol! PBid, LadyDee, and Soul Brotha got a bit wasted, and I got a good laugh, but all in all, it was a great night with some pretty dope people! That is my challenge for you all this week, spend some time with people who give your life meaning!
Vulnerable Moment:
The feeling of defeat was high!
Google CEO Sundar Pichai gave a brief speech on life that is relevant within any parameter. In that speech, he said, "there are five balls of life, one of which is rubber and the others are glass: work, family, health, friends, soul. It will not take you much time to understand that work is a rubber ball. Whenever you fall, you jump again. While the other balls are made of glass, if one of them falls, it will not be the same as before. that" is a powerful picture of balance, and as a libra, the impact of those words are tangible to me because I strive daily to achieve balance in my life. So yes, my challenge to you is this week is to spend time with those that give your life meaning because your work will be there when you return; your family, friends, health, and soul may not!
Just look
My challenge for you is to spend tie with those who give your life meaning”
The level of pressure we place on ourselves to be the best, speaking from personal experience, causes undue stress, tension, and frustrations. As I continue to migrate this life journey, I understand that peace is all I aspire to have! Peace in every aspect of my life. The complexities of this deadline, that deposition, this hearing, that meeting, those papers, are not the things that should drive us, but the understanding of the pertinent principles of life and what roles each piece plays! Life, in my opinion, is like a chess game, there are specific pieces for every facet, and we should not try and force pieces that don't fit or were not created for that area to be there. You would not try and move a pawn backward, and you would not use a rook as a queen! So acknowledging the pieces of your life and their intricacies empower you with the notion of where they belong and gives you the peace of mind that you so rightfully deserve. So, we ended our party at about 3 am. We all crashed at my house and got up the next day to plan our next adventure! See you soon!
.As always, thank you ALL for allowing me to share my passions and experiences with you! I hope that my blog inspires you to go after what you want and believe in yourself because I believe in you! Now strike your POWER POSE- We got this, LET’S GET TO IT!!
Keep Shining Loves