The End! HerStory Day 15!
“The MAGIC of being Black is that the WORLD counts you as less than. The triumph is you are GREATER still. ”
Hey, hey, good people! Can you believe we are already at the end of February? I can’t!! This year is just flying by already!! But I digress. I hope y’all enjoyed the HerStory series. With this being a thought that came from my heart, I wanted to make it about something I could relate to! I wanted to shine a light on those that look like me! If this is your first time hearing about it, go check it out!! Once you find your favorite, let me know what you think in the comments. The content I create is for you so let me know if you liked them, how you felt about them, if you learned something about someone you already knew, or if you learned about someone you never knew!
While writing, I learned so much about women in the world el hat look like me and how just because you’re, of what the world considers, a minority by numbers standpoint does not mean that you are a minority overall. As a woman, you can do so much, and you can accomplish so much. You’re able to be a part of so much!! So all of the women on this list are special unique, and influential in their way, and I am just so grateful to be able to call myself a black woman along with them! It is an honor and a privilege to call myself a black woman and then hear names like Bre Dixon, Stacey Abrams, and Michelle Obama. Those women also can say that they are Black women. It’s such a surreal experience when I think about all their accomplishments and their level of success! I am beyond grateful for the opportunity to share my thoughts, ideas, and creativity with y’all and for you guys to be so receptive!
Thank you all so much!! As I said, leave me some comments. Let me know because if you guys like it, I’m going to keep doing it and the only way for me to get better is for me to get feedback. Now constructive feedback is always helpful, so if there’s something that I can improve on, please let me know. If there’s something that I’m doing well on, please let me know. I want to be able to put out content that is helpful, vibrant, educational yet entertaining. I want to be that person who gives the little girl that looks like me or is coming up behind me the voice and courage to say my black skin does not make me inferior it makes me superior! I want her to look at herself and know she can do this because she can conquer anything she puts her mind to! I want her to see that she can rise above the stereotypes because she has the power! I want her to know that she does t have to become the next statistic because she can change that!!
I want to inspire hope and give a little girl that doubts herself the voice to say I am also great and I am awesome because I am ME! Showing making her under that she is a young queen in the making. Allowing her to understand that just because the world says that she’s one thing does not make her that thing! Showing her who she is not rooted in a superficial image of social media photoshop! Showing her that she is GRATE because she will write that work, tell that story, live her truth, and be phenomenal!
She will be everything she wants to be, not because the world said she couldn’t but because she said she could! So again, thank y’all so much for the love and support. Thanks for reading the blogs listening to the podcast, everything! I hope you enjoyed the series, and I’ll see you on Saturday for our weekly podcast and on Sunday for our weekly blog!! love y'all!
As always, thank you ALL for allowing me to share my passions with you! I hope that my blog inspires you to go after what you want and believe in yourself, because I believe in you! Now strike your POWER POSE- We got this, LET’S GET TO IT!!!
“There is no greater joy than being a powerhouse, a trailblazer, a game changer, a BLACK WOMAN ”
Keep Shining Loves