Day 1-Mind
Your Mind is where your day starts! It can be your haven or your crypt of despair. Today I want to start with re-focusing the mind on positive things. Focus on thoughts that give you life and drive you to your goals! Please focus on the things that bring you joy, and when those unpleasant instances arise, allow them to happen and pass by, don’t hold on to them because chances are they mean you no good anyway.
“Sometimes the worst place you can be is in your own head ”
Day 2-Body
We can sometimes be so mean to our bodies, or at least I can! We don’t like this part of it, and we wish this part looked this way, we want it to lose weight, etc., so much so that we forget that our bodies give us so much! Today re-focus the tone you take with your body! Get healthy!! If you don’t like something about your body, change it! Make sure we are treating our bodies with the love they deserve, feeding it right, hydrating it well, and treating it like the temple that it is!
“Rest when you’re weary. Refresh and renew yourself, your body, your mind, your spirit. Then get back to work.”
Day 3-Soul
Whew, God! Our soul can unconsciously become a breeding ground full of negativity! We can unintentionally allow other’s words and actions to get inside us and fill us with the wrong spite. Today re-focus your soul and make sure you are cleansed from the inside out. YOU make sure that you are taking care of YOU! Think of your soul as the lint catcher of your life! The more things you allow to run through your system, the murkier it gets, and eventually, you will need to clean that lent trap.
“Make time to relax, refresh and refocus.”
Day 4-Spirit
Be wary of those you allow in your spirit!! Your spirit is like a sponge and can pick up so much! Don’t allow everyone to enter your safe place because not everyone means you well. Today re-focus your spirit and look for that comfort, that release, and that balance that affords you a cleansed and rightful freedom.
“When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be.”
Day 5-Attitude
This is a big one; we ALL have them! Our attitude is what can be our Tragedy or Triumph! The way we react to things has a direct correlation to the outcome! Today re-focus your attitude on a productive project. Don’t allow those negative encounters to impact your attitude. Allow yourself, do be JOYFUL, not just happy! Because JOY, not a single soul can take Live your truth and leave a legacy of greatness!
“Genius is the ability to renew one’s emotions in daily experience.”
Day 6-Energy
Where your energy flows, your focus will be! Today Re-focus that energy into something that brings honor to yourself. Remove all that negative self-energy, remove all of that wring energy from others, and focus on the true you! Channel that rage into a workout for your body. Turn those frustrations into a woo-saaa for the soul. Keep that same energy you had with that Turn-up!
“There are some things one can only achieve by a deliberate leap in the opposite direction.”
Day 7-Reflect
How did your week go? Did you write down what you were feeling, and when do you feel like a new you? How did you re-focus your thoughts this week? Did it help you look at things differently?
As always, thank you ALL for allowing me to share my passions with you! I hope that my blog inspires you to go after what you want and believe in yourself, because I believe in you! Now strike your POWER POSE- We got this, LET’S GET TO IT!!!