Solar Celebration Part II
Tell Yourself
As often as we blink, we realize how quickly things can change from the color of the sky to the season of the year. In all of our comings and goings and fast-paced movements, let us not forget to tell the ones you love that you do! To the moments we share. Allow those moments' reasons and season to be shared with those that we love the most. The experiences we cherish the most let those be with the ones we care for the most.
“The joy that comes with being loved”
8:09am! Sitting in my car waiting!😑
What jams for ya, my dudes and dudettes, We are just going to jump right into part II of my 31st solar return!
Day1: SUCKED, well, at least the first part did. I got up like any other day planning to go to work. I headed out to the car and got ready to leave, and my FREAKING CAR DOESN'T START!!! My car does this monthly update thing. Yea, I know, crazy, right, but it does, and you can't pick the day or time, so it just happens when it happens. So, Friday, 8:09 am, I am waiting for it to finish. After it's finished, most would think, ok, car stated, right?, WRONG!! NOTHING! Yep, my luck, I request roadside and wait; usually, I would get a text or something from my insurance company to check the status and all, but I didn't. This should have been my 1st RED FLAG(1 hour later).
I called to check the status, and I heard they should be about 14 min away, so I waited....30 min passed, and I called back, and it says they should have arrived by now, but considering I'm still sitting here with a non-working vehicle, I think it's safe to say they hadn't! So I speak with a representative, and she says she is going to call them, she asks me to hold I agree and instead, she drops me back in the call queue!
Great, another 15 min wasted, so I call back, click through and get another person, who doesn't even ask me my name, but says he will fix the problem, puts me on hold, and I wait. 15 more min pass and he comes back saying he can't get in touch with anyone and to wait another 10 min. NO, THANK YOU! I have him re-submit the request! I then get the text message that was oh so elusive in the first submission, I check the ETA, and it says 62-87 min!!!!! Yep, that's right!! But that's not even the best part. I tried googling the supposed company that was supposed to complete the original job, NO LUCK!! I can't even find the name within the city or surrounding cities!! Anywho, nearly two hours later, the new company gets there, hook up their portable jump start, and boom! Yep, almost four hours of headache for three seconds! So, what did we learn today, people? TO GET YOUR OWN JUMP STARTER!!
Vulnerable Moment:
I am still learning how to be the best for myself
I took my car back to the people who originally installed my battery five months ago, only to find out that leaving my phone charger plugged in was the problem. So, If you all are leaving your phone chargers plugged in and your car is a giant computer, i.e., any model car made in 2016 or later, you could be causing a quicker battery drain. After I got my life together, it was too late for me even to try and make it work, so I just carried on with my day. I dropped my Eva at the doggy boarding place, packed up, and we hit the road!
We got to Atlanta about nine and headed straight to six flags! When we arrived, we realized we had done a terrible job of planning because the park closed at 11 and it was 945, and we still had to get in! Change of plans, we shot over to Folklore Haunted House! Let me remind you all that ya girl don't do scary, but my friends lovveeee it!!! SO I vowed to stay in the car, but nature called lol, so I got ut with them! I watched and waited as they went through each of the three houses, and the best part was their reactions afterward, PRICELESS! While I waited for them to get scared crapless, I meet a stately young ax-wielding gentleman who was kind enough to pose for a photo. I was also entertained by a coffin ride that simulated being buried alive, how fitting. After that riveting adventure, we made a stop at our ll time favorite Marrietta Diner; if you haven't been, make sure you try it! Once we were full and exhausted, we headed to the hotel to check in! YALL this was a whole other adventure!!
“Share your special moments with those that matter the most”
The Vallet was Full; they didn't have any luggage cards, we had to park in another parking garage around the corner AND PAY! I'll say this nakedness, booty, and boobies!! THEN when we got into the hotel, just, NO! Walking in was beautiful; it's the getting to our floor and seeing the stark contrast of horrible! Everything was just wrong, lol, but we carried on, showered, and called it a night! Make sure you hang in there for the next few weeks and watch my adventures unfold!
I believe that a birthday is truly a blessing; you will get to see just how I celebrated mine over the next few weeks. I hope that when your 365 makes its full circle, you can find joy in knowing that you are still here, peace in the actualization that you have more work to do, and joy in realizing there are people who love you!
As always, thank you ALL for allowing me to share my passions and experiences with you! I hope that my blog inspires you to go after what you want and believe in yourself because I believe in you! Now strike your POWER POSE- We got this, LET’S GET TO IT!!
Keep Shining Loves