Solar Celebration Part II Continued
Brown Skin Quen
Glistening in the light, gleaming in the sun. You beautiful brown skin queen, the way you you are just can't be what it seems! The growth in yourself and the reassurance you can, makes you believe that strength an power are in your hand. Brown skin Queen, melaninated heiress, the lovely that is you. Shine your light as bright as you can for as long as you wish.
“The joy that comes with being loved”
Day 2: What's good peeps and welcome back to day two. Because we ended day one so late we started day two late! 12 to be exact lol! Today’s agenda included recording the podcast, grabbing food, trying the six flags thing again, and going to see some girls, girls, girls!! After we awoke from our deep slumbers, we gathered ourselves and began to prepare for the day. Starting first with the podcast. We knocked that out in about an hour and a half just to find out that NOTHING RECORDED!! Yep time wasted! But we carried on and went to get food at this charming Morrachan place called, coincidentally Morrachan Express. I had the Chicken Tangiya on a bed of basil yellow rice, a side salad, and gloriously creamy sauce drizzled on top. After we satiated our hunger we packed up and headed to six flags and fright fest!
We get to six flags and like any kid who loves amusement parks, WE ARE PUMPED! well, that excitement quickly faded! Everyone knows that there will be a wait at Six Flags. I mean, it's six flags, but hold on for this one! On top of having a challenging time trying to purchase the tickets, once we were inside we waited in line for 1hr and a half!! Usually, that's pretty standard, right? But here is the thing, we paid 37.09 for Fright Fest which was supposed to be a bargain and an experience! Problem number 1 is that the hours are from 6-10 on a Saturday! So we are expected to go through all 7 attractions in 4 hours on a Saturday with an average wait time of 90 mins!! IMPOSSIBLE!! So they want you to purchase a "fast pass" for an additional $50 no thank you, not trying to bankrupt lol!! So once we got to the front, we were rushed through! waited all that time just to be pushed through in Four minutes! Our hopes lifted when we saw we had a bit more time to make it to another attraction! We get to the daredevil and are super excited! After another hour, they ended up closing the ride claiming technical difficulties!! PISSED! Guys by no means is Six Flags a terrible place but my experience was horrible! The one bright side was my sister giving me ideas on how to use my season pass! EXCITED!!
Vulnerable Moment:
My sense of self-love is underconstruction!
I also bought an adorable Taz Manian devel hoodie! I further got to spend time with my friends and got to laugh at my sister because she didn't make it through security! She was carrying contraband yall lol a knife and pepper spray!! Once we were utterly disappointed in our experience, we went back to the room to freshen up and headed out to see the girls, girls, girls!!! I GOT A LAP DACE LOL!! I think the best part is that we all ended up forgetting about our terrible Six Flags experience! Once we had our fill of the girls, girls, girls, we grabbed food at a small diner across from the hotel and came back and crashed!
“ I am grateful for weekends like this and memories like these because it makes the hard times much better”
Day 3: End of an overall successful weekend, we left pretty early because the boyfriend had to be back for a photography gig! On the way, we stopped at this sweet little shoppette for a continental breakfast if you will! I had a delicious buttery croissant, fantastic! After I stuffed my face with the likes of all the deliciousness, I perused the building looking at all the food places, yeps #FoodLife! After that, we packed up in the car and headed back! Remember on day 2 when I told yall we recorded the podcast, or so we thought! lol yea, well, we tried again and had technical difficulties yet again!! Soo, we ended up having to raincheck and do it on Wednesday! My goodness, the devil is always busy! But we got it done! BTW Happy Halloween!! We then had a rice crispy treat contest, where I smoked they ashes! Lol, or at least that's what iI tell myself! I am grateful for weekends like this and memories like these because it makes the hard times much better!! I'll be somewhere in the forest next weekend so join me on Monday as I conclude my solar celebration and share parts 3 and 4 with you over the next two weeks.
.As always, thank you ALL for allowing me to share my passions and experiences with you! I hope that my blog inspires you to go after what you want and believe in yourself because I believe in you! Now strike your POWER POSE- We got this, LET’S GET TO IT!!
Keep Shining Loves