The Support
Originally written Nov 4, 2004 (I was 13 go easy, lol)
Dreams are real, you know, and if you try, you can achieve what you want in life. Whatever you want, try to achieve, do it, and you can make something out of your life, and you will make it far if you just dream. You see, your role models they did not get there easy; it took a lot of practice to get where they are! They had dreams just like you and me. They had dreams, and they achieved them! NOW it is YOUR turn To DREAM, believe, and ACHIEVE. If you set your mind to it, success you can use it if you have a dream you want! Because dreams are real, you know, and if you try, you can achieve what you want in life. Roads paved in hard knocks, roadblocks, and deadlocks; pave your own way in determination, focus, and goals!
Keep Shining Loves
Happy Black History Month!
Happy Mondy Beautiful People, and HAPPY DAY 7 OF BLACK HISTORY MONTH! I have a question! What do you do when you feel like you don't have the strength to go on? What do you do when you feel like everything you have tried just crashes and burns? When you keep getting told No when you REALLY need a YES, and it's messing with your confidence, making you question yourself and think twice about your choices. What do you do when you try and tell yourself, "what IS you doing? You KNOW you are IT, and the loss is theirs, not yours". You then say, "life your head and keep moving" Yep, it all sounds good, right? But sometimes that gets hard! When I tell you the internet is the most beautiful place ever! So what am I talking about? Ok, my energies have been focused on my non-profit while attempting to find funding for our Splash Jam.
Vulnerable Moment:
I have struggled with believing in myself this past week
have also been up and down emotionally for various reasons. And this past week tested me. Sometimes, things we "think we want" are NOTHING like what GOD has for us, and he probably laughs when we tell him. I genuinely believe that all last week, every NO I got was in preparation for the perfect YES, the right YES. But, here is the thing, I may know this is the case, but the planner in me wants to have all my ducks in a row, and the end is handled. I know, I know, unrealistic, right? I have spent the past three weeks wrestling with the idea of picking up and moving, just not working for anyone, being alone, leaving the world, giving up, and all the above. I am so thankful that I have such an incredible family, and they can talk me down from a ledge because I forget that I am made for this. I forget that GOD BUILT me to overcome. He instilled in me the confidence to believe in myself, the knowledge to learn from the mistakes, and literally, the opportunity to DO IT AGAIN! When I started this blog, I didn't know what shape it would take, and I didn't know how far it would reach. I now realize that none- of that matters because it's a release for me.
“YOU have ALL the STRENGTH you NEED, you just may need more resources”
I realized that putting pen to paper calms me, removes the tension, and clears my headspace. The best part is that I know someone else needs to hear my words because they will help them. So, for those people, the strength you need is already within you, you may need to learn a new skill or put in more effort, but you have all the tools you need to do that. This past week Youtube has shown me how to ace a job interview, write a grant, build a shed, replace wood-rotting posts, and those are just a few. I have further learned how to make my website secure, how to create the perfect donation package for donors, and how to sell my vision! SO I said all that to say this, YOU are the only thing standing in your way. No one will GIVE you the things you need; you have to go out and ask, work, put in the effort, and BELIEVE!
It takes a village to raise a child right; it also takes a village to save them!
Take it from someone who is currently battling those same ideals. I have thought on many occasions maybe I'll get lucky and someone will drop an opportunity at my doorstep, or the growth of my businesses will just happen! NOPE, I have to make it happen. I am currently struggling with believing in myself enough to push through the rough patches, but my Chiropractor gave me some encouragement. She said, "You are going to be great, the world needs what you are building, and you have to give it to them" That warmed my heart and made me smile. The fact that someone else can see the value in my work and believe in me enough to support it is PRICELESS! I have gotten so many things thrown at me this past week, some I never saw coming, but I have received so much love and support too.
It’s The Encouragement Fa ME!
"That's ok if no one else believes in you as long as you believe in yourself and watch God do some amazing things. We can't expect people to believe in our vision, but they will eventually see it. Keep doing you, Jazz. I love you, lady."
"you are the leading lad in the movie of YOUR LIFE. Always remember that. You're not a groupie, an extra, a second in case, LEADING LADY.mSO you have the right to be a queen and say yes to what you want and no to what you don't. Will this cost you some jobs? Absolutely! Will this also open opportunities you never knew were there? Absolutely! REmember LEading Lady in the movie called YOU."
"He is having them say no cause it ain't what He has planned for you. His end pic for you is so much more detailed and personally designed for you. Keep pushing with all the positive vibes you give out, and I pray they come back to you to keep you going cause, baby, you have a glow about you that just screams you have a great purpose on this earth. He ain't gonna let it go to waste; He just waiting on the platform He has laid out for you, and it is just ahead, my love. Don't ever stop; keep pushing, and He gonna carry you to the top of this mountain. Through rain, snow, sleet, or hail, you WILL make it through the storm cause even when you feel you can't go on, He gonna carry you through; just watch, baby, it's gonna be so worth the journey; it took to get there."
Just A Reminder
Black Girls
.As always, thank you ALL for allowing me to share my passions and experiences with you! I hope that my blog inspires you to go after what you want and believe in yourself because I believe in you! Now strike your POWER POSE- We got this, LET’S GET TO IT!!
Keep Shining Loves