My mind's racing 50 ways from Sundaze, thoughts flying 22 sides past Tuesdaze. Through No's and Yes's Why's and Whos, do I really know who's who? Where yes is and from which direction no came? Eloquent exasperations and phenomenal findings with the feeling of true friendship, one that can stand life's time-tested realities. A friendship full of possibilities, through nighttime, unwinds, and daytime grinds, there is no greater truth than that which just won't move. The unshakable bond of two friends so strong, the risk of losing a friend to gain a lifetime partner-in-crime, protector, and support, these risks you want to take to see if it's real? Pros and Cons weighted differently now, pros full of hope and emotion cons? "What do you mean there are non" you blinded by true love or lust the jury's still out. God works in ways unknown to man. One thing we seek his plans says; repeat. In good times and bad, they stand by and stand strong, and then that forever...It won't seem so long.
Keep Shining Loves
Happy Black History Month, Almost!
Happy Monday and Happy almost Black History month! I know I'm a day early but, who wouldn't be excited about the best month of the year! Although if you ask me and my diverse group of friends, every day is black history as we continue to make strides toward greatness. Crushing the standards breaking barriers, and proving why we earn every accolade we receive. My vision for the American people is that one day the world will reach a place where hate is not bred into us like a savage right of passage. Still, instead, we have reached a place where the is an intellectual understanding that the color of someone's skin does not determine they have a diminished worth. I have battled with using "colorblind" as the connotation does get the point across, but the idea of a colorblind world disenfranchises the beauty of the world in the same breath. How, you ask? By eliminating the things that make the world great, our different cultures and ethnicities, the gorgeous hues of skin tones, the array of blackness in its many melanated shades. The sunkissed glow of the gleaming ocean at just the right time.
Vulnerable Moment:
I wish I could just figure it out already!-signed FRUSTRATED and WORRIED
A colorblind world COULD NEVER! So no, I don't wish for a colorblind world. I pray for a world full of colors and wonders, just also one where the colors don't warrant mistreatment, banishment, ruthless disrespect, and hatred. Color is beautiful in all its forms; that is, after all, what makes America great! Today I want to share with you some of my work. As you know, writing is my happy place. I recently discovered that one of my skills is storytelling; WHO KNEW, lol! So enjoy my eloquently crafted ideas during some highs and even-keels of my life, lol!
“Not Colorblind, Colorful”
Side Flow
Creatively composing the thoughts of dispositions and confusion that run through my veins like strong streams and heavy tides at daybreak. The misunderstandings, misguidance, misinterpretation, and the misuse of blessings of love from the Lord God on high. It has led me to discover the truth, which is I. Natual body sit down, you are feeble, and you need not go on. Body of the Most High rise to the occasion. Slick tricks, of mind, slips, big dips, and self-kicks. All with two paths. Consciously contemplating the repercussions of each and readily realizing this isn't for me. I slide back into "the life," the way and the dark, only to try again when the moon sets and the natural body begins.
It takes a village to raise a child right; it also takes a village to save them!
Hold Tight
Hold tight to the past because when it's gone,
you only have the memories
Hold tight to the present as it's a gift to live with.
Hold tight to true friends as they are hard to find.
Hold tight to the Lord because he's always your friend.
Hold tight to your life as you only get one, so hold it,
squeeze it, explore it and, make it worthwhile.
Hold tight to love because like real friends,
it's hard to find but reminiscent of loss;
love hurts when it's lost.
Hold tight to the world as it holds tight to you.
Hold tight to the future as the past has passed,
the present is no more "friends" have changed face,
life is beginning, love, has come, gone, and come again.
The world let you down and picked you back up;
you now look forward excited about your unknown,
and when it arrives, the future is now the present,
the present is the past,
and hold tight because it's going to take you for a ride.
Just A Reminder
Black Girls
.As always, thank you ALL for allowing me to share my passions and experiences with you! I hope that my blog inspires you to go after what you want and believe in yourself because I believe in you! Now strike your POWER POSE- We got this, LET’S GET TO IT!!
Keep Shining Loves