Vision is Clear
20/20 Ova’ Here
Through clear eyes I see the miraculously latent blue skies of the year to come. Internally for a while has been full of turmoil, confusion, and self-deprecation. Finding the will to live, give, and persist has been one of life’s most tumultuous struggles recently. In the effervescent reality that is the life I live, I understand and accept what is the truth of my nature. I have flaws that are perfectly suitable for me, I have imperfections that encapsulate and solidify my being. My vision is clear-er and my focus is targeted migrating the next 365 with needle-like precession, Burj Khalifa-like prayer, mustard seed faith, and a grind that won’t quit.
Create YOUR vison
Ya I know, I know, I’m not going to even start this time lol. But let’s make a vision board and look toward the future. As we wrap up another year have you thought about what you want your next year to look like? The crazy thing is, it’s quite popular to think about our next move when the year is ending but what about our next move tomorrow? keep your life in the forefront, even when you have achieved all the greatness that is sure to come your way make sure you never forget to be thankful, and don’t ever stop creating memories
My Visions!
· Live for today
· Create generational wealth
· Carefree spirit
· Enjoy the moment.
· Marry a Godly Man
· Leave a positive legacy
Recently making a vision board for me has taken on a different meaning, I have heard so many times that writing down the things you want makes them real, and you are more likely to make them happen. I was one of those skeptics that were like yeaaaa sure if you say so, because if I want to do something I’m going to do it regardless of if I write it down or not! AND this is true; however, I will say that writing did help me too! so I’ll say if you are one of those that say you don’t have to write it down to do it, write it anyway and see if it makes a difference; because think about it, if you are going to do it anyway, then writing won’t change it right? Make sure you put it in a place you look at daily! I ended up putting mine as my phone background! where will yours be? For me, a vision board now means goals just stretched enough that I will have to push myself that year to achieve, and they say if you do everything then your goals aren’t challenging enough! STOP listening to THEY! do what makes YOU happy! What do you think of my goals? comment below and let me know!
My Visions!
Travel More
·Be kinder to myself
Black Family
My Visions!
Enjoy life
Live my purpose
More community involvement
Get my faith UP
Vision Moment: I am EXACTLY where I need to be
RECAP: Through life, we learn different mannerisms, habits, and solidify personalities, even with our constantly changing natures. Make sure all the changes are for YOU and not because THEY said it. In the same breath know the difference between manipulation and constructive criticism. I don’t want to take for granted that everyone does so; manipulation is someone trying to change you for THEIR benefit and constructive criticism is someone trying to HELP you change for YOUR benefit, so…
Live for today-for yourself
Create generational wealth
create a Carefree spirit for yourself
Enjoy the moment for yourself
Leave a positive legacy because YOU want to
Travel More for yourself
Be kinder to yourself
Happiness for yourself
Freedom for yourself
Enjoy life for yourself
Live YOUR purpose
Create YOUR Vision
〰️ Create YOUR Vision
As my faith continues to grow stronger and I get these random bursts of inspiration I will continue to motivate and inspire those that I can. I think the therapeutic release of the keyboard and words at the ends of my fingers is what keeps me balanced and grounded and allows me to check in with myself and see how close to serenity I am lol! ya’ll have a beautiful Saturday and I pray that your vision board turns into your life! don’t give up, if you want it go for it, and don’t stop until it’s yours! ✌🏾
Black Girls
As always, thank you ALL for allowing me to share my passions and experiences with you! I hope that my blog inspires you to go after what you want and believe in yourself because I believe in you! Now strike your POWER POSE- We got this, LET’S GET TO IT!!
Keep Shining Loves