Pumpkin Spice And Everything Nice
Sweet Breeze
Sweet breezes, through fall-kissed foliaged trees, and just the slight scent of pine. It's most definitely fall time. When pumpkin spice, cinnamon, hot chocolate, and the like fly off the shelves like grandma's freshly baked goodies, you know that fall is in the air. How deep does your chill get? How oversized is your hoodie? With the sound of wood popping and the smell of cedar, fall is the season for all. Fall is when we put on our scarves and beautiful deep colors and enjoy being wrapped in the cool air of nightfall. Sunset comes sooner and sun-rises too, but the time in between, well, that's all for you! Rest seems easier to find, calm appears to abound in abundance, and a slight shift in time makes everything else seem just fine.
Back at It!
Leaves and trees changing colors with ease, vibrant hues of greens and blues kissed ever so slightly with reds and yellows. So Fall is here yet again. When most people put up Christmas trees, ANNNDDD, then there's the rest of ya that believe Christmas starts in December. I hear ya. I am trying to figure out what's wrong with them too! Yes, I'm back and easing my way into it. Let me say it has been a time! I will catch yall up in another blog, but, for now, it's Fall, and it's time for fluffy socks, hot chocolate, popcorn, and food. If you live in the south, leaves, leaves, and more leaves, so grab your rakes and leaf blowers and turnnn upppp!! For my northern homies, that means snow, snow, and more snow, so salt the driveway, and plow the roads but be safe! Fall brings you the beauty of nature. We see the seasons change from month to month. How on earth is mother nature so amazing? She gives us life and art all in one breath.
So, October 10 was my birthday, and I started celebrating on the 1st. One time for my birthday month celebrators, lol! During my birthday month celebration, I spent a week in the blue ridge mountains, and let me tell you, it was extraordinary. Being from the south, you see the leaves, but they don't change, at least not how they do up north! Down south, they are just brown and dull! FYI they are supposed to change colors. Lol, see below! The gorgeousness I had the pleasure of witnessing for a week was breathtaking. Guys, I sat outside every day of my trip and was in awe at how peacefully beautiful it was. The cabin faced west so I couldn't see the sunrise but sunset...WOW! It truly made me stop and take in the scenery. That experience made me further appreciate everything that had been happening up to that point; I promise to catch yall up.
Vulnerable Moment: I lost my way
I thoroughly enjoyed each day of my birth month, even sitting in the park, taking in the sun. I realized that this year was nothing I could have imagined, mainly in an unpleasant way1 But, I am still alive and kicking. What does Fall mean to you? For me, it is a reminder that things don't stay the same, and although sometimes they can look bleak and barren, the season will change, and so will the leaves. .
This past year I'd gotten so caught up in all the negative things happening around me that I felt defeated and, for a moment, forgot that I am the daughter of a King. At that point, I needed a break, and I took one. My mental, physical and emotional health was failing because I allowed myself to succumb to the trials. Just know I am getting back to me and what is important, and I won't say I will never take another break but what I will say is that I will work my hardest to continue to motivate myself while also motivating you. It's crazy because as I am writing this, the inspiration came today.
Take Your Time
〰️ Take Your Time
It takes a village to raise a child right; it also takes a village to save them!
I believe that God will ALWAYS provide, and thus he did! I prayed in my care on my way to get ice cream, of all things! I said, "God, please give me the strength to find the motivation to get back into it," and yall. I promise not more than an hour later, I came to my sister's house and told her how I needed motivation.
She had her home decorated with fall trimmings, and I said, "I can start back with seasonal blogs! I can take a picture of this right here, and I kid you not, light bulb! So, here we are! yall, God is real, and I will never push religion or anything at anyone, but I will speak from my own experience, and he ALWAYS has me, and I am forever grateful for that! So we will start with a seasonal blog that will still be on Mondays. I will be hitting the ground running, but in the same breath, I don't want to burn out aging! I love writing, and I love helping people uncover their best selves. So long as it is breath in my body, I will do just that!
Before I sign off, I will leave you with this:
Share your love with those that deserve it
Share your time with those that value it,
Share your knowledge with those that need it,
But share a smile with everyone
Just A Reminder
Black Girls
As always, thank you ALL for allowing me to share my passions and experiences with you! I hope that my blog inspires you to go after what you want and believe in yourself because I believe in you! Now strike your POWER POSE- We got this, LET’S GET TO IT!!
Keep Shining Loves