Straight Facts
Hard as it is, I CANT give in. Bleek and clear at the same damn time; what vortex of a whirlwind do I live in? New year, New days, and New challenges coming my way. Building an empire on my own back, is much harder than they make it seem. Hot hands, foggy head, palpitations so loud a megaphone can't be heard! Table circle 1, tale circle 2, 3, 4, 5 omg I can't stop. Then that sweet voice of external reason says, "big sister, you got this" the other says, "babe you are strong," " the other says Bestfriend, shut up, girl, go kill it," and finally the rock of ages "daughter, the race is not given to the swift or the fast but the one that perseveres and lasts." Suddenly the fog has lifted, the bleakneess truly clear. I only see the table from beneath my hands of work, and a new breath of resilience emerges. Talent is great, and determination better, but resilience is what will keep you going when all the odds are stacked ten times over! Sometimes it just takes your village to remind you that you were built specifically to weather THIS storm!
Keep Shining Loves
Our 2022!
Happy Monday, Beautiful People! We are back at it with a new year! How has your first week been? Mine Has been jam-packed with duties! As I said on my Instagram @all.thatt.jazz, I will be on #BeastMode all 2022! As you all know from last week's blog, I started a non-profit (video below), The Fountain City Difference Project. And we will have our first big event on Jun 25, 2022! Splash Jam. So, Let me tell yall about my first week! Yall ready for this? On day one, I had a photo-op for my website and went out into the city to speak with local businesses about donations and support! As you all know, most companies are closed on the new year, but I said that I would go out and talk to businesses on the first day of the year, not considering they would be closed, and that is what I did!
Vulnerable Moment:
I was made fun of as a child for having dark skin! YEP! I was called Beast!
So I went to about ten companies and spoke with people, sharing my passion for improving our youth's future and the importance of this event. I was able to get some business cards and one free ICECREAM!!!!! WINNING!! Once I finished my networking, I returned home and applied for grants! Over the next four days, I locked myself in my office and applied for as many grants as possible; at the end of that four days, I believe my total came to 11. If you are all familiar with the grant processes, you know it can be time-consuming and tedious, but the results are ALWAYS worth it! Especially when you can bring your visions to life.
I was incredibly proud of my accomplishments over those days because it made me feel like I was at the beginning of making a real difference. You guys know that I believe strongly in self-care, preserving your strength, and keeping your body healthy! So the next day, I had a chiropractic appointment! I must say my chiropractor is THE BEST; she is so helpful and so knowledgeable, and you can tell she LOVES what she does, and it shines through her work! When I finished that, I returned home, worked out, and walked my dog! YEP, EVERYTHING gon' be healthy round' here, lol! I am also trying to learn Spanish, so I spent some time doing that after my heart-pumping workout. If you all are interested in learning a new language, I recommend Duolingo. It is user-friendly and presents the lessons in such a practical way.
It takes a village to raise a child right; it also takes a village to save them!
Alright, we have reached the end of my first week, and It was crunch time! After I was free of my corporate duties, I started my empire duties! Oh, word of advice if you are in the same position as I am, having to CURRENTLY-because it's not your final destination-work a corporate job to fund your future empire. REMEMBER, never give more energy to someone else's dream than you give to your own! Spend twice as much time on your own as you do with theires! I know that is easier said than done, because you have to sleep and rest, but any time you aren't doing those things, push yourself, ESPECIALLY when you don't feel like it! The only way your dream will become a reality is if you /MAKE it one! So for the last day of my first week, I prepared for the next week; I cleaned my home, took down my Christmas stuff, I know I know, don't judge me, lol. After that, I uploaded my podcast, and of course, I worked out, and to end the day, I spent time with my family! But what about the business Jazz, Oh, it's still popping, but BALANCE is essential. I applied for one grant because that was the goal, and then I spent the rest of the day catching up with those I mean something to! What about your first week? How did it go? Let me know in the comments! I know this year will be great; I just want to make sure you know it too!!
Just A Reminder
Black Girls
.As always, thank you ALL for allowing me to share my passions and experiences with you! I hope that my blog inspires you to go after what you want and believe in yourself because I believe in you! Now strike your POWER POSE- We got this, LET’S GET TO IT!!
Keep Shining Loves