Life Hits
One day you are up; the next, you don't know which way is down, your feet planted, yet you still can't see. The bleakness, the fog, and the constant confusion. The indescribable feeling of unrest, bottled frustrations, and muted emotions, where do you traject them? The unrequited promise of a future so close, like the other side of a glass wall, leaves you in limbo without hope, close. The Lord I serve answers prayers, but then it leaves you wondering if the prayer sent was specific enough? Does the concept of blurred lines exist in divinity? Will the encapsulation of fleeting peace be the pacifier for my anxiety? Life Hits to date, Three major! Hit one is two and a half years old, Hit two only a mere three days old. To you, oh, not so many, but those minor blows seem only a distant memory for the astronomical implications from the impact of Life Hits, HURT!
Keep Shining Loves
Yep, It Happened…Again
Happy Monday, Good People! How did you reach your goal last week? What are your plans for this week? For this day? For this moment? It's storytime! So, last week for me started pretty well. I had a meeting with a potential donor, and as of Wednesday, that is what I was going to talk to you guys about today, but life had other plans. Well, let's start with the meeting, it went phenomenally, and It gave me the drive to push harder and conquer my fears of rejection and separate the no's I get from the belief that it is personal. So let me back up a bit; going into that meeting, I was petrified, I think more so because I wanted to do well! Now, mind you guys, I knew this potential donor. She's my chiropractor! But that did not matter, nor did it shake the nerves. What do I do, you ask? FAITH ACTIVATE!
Vulnerable Moment:
Even when I have prepared for the moment I still get anxious
I asked the Lord for a sign, for peace, and for the words to say, unbeknownst to me, the plan was already in motion! The meeting location had been changed from our original place, which was step one. I get to our new venue, and IT"S A CHURCH RUN COFFEE SHOP!! You'll I lost it! I just knew God had me at that point, but I couldn't shake the nerves! So my potential donor arrived, and the meeting started. In the beginning, I was a bit nervous, but as I kept going, I got excited; although still nervous, my words just flowed, and it began to feel like a natural conversation! BUT GOD! During my presentation, she was excited about the project and interested in donating, and she encouraged me to do more face-to-face meetings because of the higher success rates.
“My GOD is BIGGER than a JOB”
I left that meeting feeling great and with a committed donation! WINNING!!! As of Wednesday, that would have been the end of this blog, but then we get to Friday! Now, I want to preface this by saying it's been three months in the making, and it just closed on Friday! So, I made a mistake, moving too fast, and it just so happened the person wasn't honest, and therefore the decision had to be made. I knew this would happen, so I prepared myself by posting to other positions, AND I GOT IT! yall remember when I told yall I had gotten another job! Yep, it was concerning this situation! So, what's the problem, Jazz? During the termination meeting, my direct supervisor said that I would impact my other position, even though I was told countless times by HR that it would NOT! This was when I looked at them, smiled, thanked them for the opportunity, and headed out!
It takes a village to raise a child right; it also takes a village to save them!
My GOD is BIGGER than any job, and HE DID NOT give me that opportunity just to take it away. So I will trust him! I used my extra time on Friday to get over my nerves when speaking to people! I went to 8 businesses, and each time it got better, I got more confident, and the nerves were just a little less! As conflicted and confused, anxious and unsettled as I was on that Friday, I DID NOT let that stop me from going MY business because I knew that the only way to make my dream a reality is to do the work! I will keep you all updated as it unfolds!
Just A Reminder
Black Girls
.As always, thank you ALL for allowing me to share my passions and experiences with you! I hope that my blog inspires you to go after what you want and believe in yourself because I believe in you! Now strike your POWER POSE- We got this, LET’S GET TO IT!!
Keep Shining Loves