It’s A 3-6-5 New
3-6-5 New
Firecrackers, champagne, friends, food, and fun! 365 new opportunities, 365 chances for change. Hindsight is 2020, literally, and foresight is foggy. It's the top of your new story, so grab a new pen and a great pad and jot down the triumphs already won, journal the joys still to come, your new year is yours for the molding, shape it how you see fit. The dream you keep chasing, wrangle it up and make it happen, that last 20 pounds you want to ditch clam it as gone! New year, same goals, to build the life you want and enjoy the life you make! Happy New Year!
Keep Shining Loves
Our 2022!
Annnd just like that I’m back at it!! Happy new year, beautiful people! Can you believe it's 2022? Yea, I know me either! Do you guys make new year's resolutions? I don't. I think that a new year is 365 more opportunities to chase your dreams!
Today's blog isn't going to be long. I just wanted to wish you all a happy new year. I hope you had a fantastic holiday season, and I can't wait to see what this year has for us! Do You all remember when I told you that I had some big news for 2022? Well, here it is
I Started a Non-Profit!! I know, right, Insane! It's called the fountain city difference project, and our mission is to bridge the dived that cripples the youth and their future by equipping them with the power of choice. We are an organization for the kids! we envision a future where no child's life is lost at the end of a gun, at the hands of an aggressor, or because no one listened! We have workshops, youth advocacy sessions, youth retreats, summer camps, block parties, and more centered on Empowering YOUth with choices! To learn more about it and what we do, click here! I also received my IRS 501(c)3 certification, which means WE OFFICAL YALL! This means that if you want to donate to our organization or fundraise for us, your supporters will receive a tax write-off!! OMG INCENTIVES!!
Vulnerable Moment:
I have a hard time taking my own advice
We also have our first big event this summer called Splash Jam! What is that, you ask? Besides being the biggest water gun fight the city has ever had, Splash Jam will be a chance for us to reach our youth in a way that is fun yet factual, real yet relatable, and essential but effective. We will use this time to pour into them as much as possible. We plan to have workshops with prizes, a raffle from which a scholarship would come from the proceeds. We will have self-defense lessons, domestic violence education, and gun safety workshops. We want to use each of these workshops as a tie-in to the other because evidence has shown that these three are linked to each other. From, "The presence of a gun in a domestic violence situation increases the risk of homicide by 500%"
Y’all ready for 2022?
We give them a safe and fun place to ask questions and feel comfortable to say how they feel. Splash Jam is part of an ongoing community effort to improve the quality of youth in our city. Our project focuses on education and awareness around these three topics because they are linked—each person educated about guns or domestic violence reduces the risk of committing a crime. By focusing on these topics and increasing awareness, we can change attitudes, behaviors and create safer communities. We want to see our youth rule the world in the way they were meant to, and we want to empower them with the choices they deserve. Too often, I have seen instances where a child felt they had no alternatives and therefore looked to the streets for answers. We want to show them that there is still a better way even when the odds are stacked against you! If you are looking for a way to help, look no further!
Got your Phone? Scan Me!
It takes a village to raise a child right; it also takes a village to save them!
Just A Reminder
Black Girls
.As always, thank you ALL for allowing me to share my passions and experiences with you! I hope that my blog inspires you to go after what you want and believe in yourself because I believe in you! Now strike your POWER POSE- We got this, LET’S GET TO IT!!
Keep Shining Loves