My Struggles
Bounce Back
Setback for comebacks, drawbacks to flashbacks. Questions of how, why, what, and to what end will this last. Strength in numbers reigns true through friends. Three ways to keep pushing, you say, pray, therapy and believe, all have their antidote to self-destruction. The merciless realities of life's instabilities can leave you stranded in a rut of self-pity and condemnation. Coin-flip, Empowerment, I got this. No one can bring me down. The time spent in your downward spiral has nothing but lessons of triumph and victory! You write your plans, live your story, give way to imperfections as they add character to your mural! Yield to advice as it smooths the road to your destiny! Set backs for comebacks, drawbacks to flashbacks, don't let your slide back compromise your comeback. step back, sit back, think back, and then bounce back!
Keep Shining Loves
Focused on the Comeback
Happy Monday, Good People! How did you reach your goal last week? What are your plans for this week? For this day? For this moment? It's storytime! So, last week for me started pretty well. I had a meeting with a potential donor, and as of Wednesday, that is what I was going to talk to you guys about today, but life had other plans. Well, let's start with the meeting, it went phenomenally, and It gave me the drive to push harder and conquer my fears of rejection and separate the no's I get from the belief that it is personal. So let me back up a bit; going into that meeting, I was petrified, I think more so because I wanted to do well! Now, mind you guys, I knew this potential donor. She's my chiropractor! But that did not matter, nor did it shake the nerves. What do I do, you ask? FAITH ACTIVATE!
Vulnerable Moment:
I had a panic attack realizing that I was in a vunuable position
Welcome back to my mis-adventurous life! How did your week go? Mine was chock-full of mental breakdowns, business triumphs, friend meet-ups, and so many other things! Remember last week when I told you all I lost my job AGAIN? I was hoping to say to you guys that I lost it one week and got it back the next, but not yet! But, here is the good news, I had an interview! For those who have lost their job, I want you to know that things will get better! Remember when I told you guys that anytime I offer advice, I primarily talk to myself, hoping that it helps someone!
“Don’t let your set back compromise your comback”
So many times in life, we think things are happening to us when in reality, they are happening for us! I have battled with this thought many times over the last few days. I have pondered considerably if my losing this job was " just another part of life" or is it an opportunity for me to focus o building my non-profit! But, here is the thing about me! I need to have a plan, and the lack of income forces me to reconsider my goals. I have struggled these past few days with feeling worthless and defeated. In times like these, I am so grateful for my friends! They have been so supportive and helpful.
It takes a village to raise a child right; it also takes a village to save them!
When I get down on myself, they remind me why I am strong; when I want to give up, they remind me why I can't. The truth of the matter is, guys, I don't want to work for anyone but myself; however, I have to put in the effort now to live the life I dream of later. What about you all? have you lost a job before? What did you do get through? Did you have a support system? Let me know in the comments! Finally, I know this is just a set-up for a major comeback! I am destined for greatness, and so are you, and WE GOT THIS!! Let's get to it!
Just A Reminder
Black Girls
.As always, thank you ALL for allowing me to share my passions and experiences with you! I hope that my blog inspires you to go after what you want and believe in yourself because I believe in you! Now strike your POWER POSE- We got this, LET’S GET TO IT!!
Keep Shining Loves