Is It What It Seems
Straight-laced bow-tied, permanent pressed, and starched creased. All appears to be in decent order, but is it what it seems. An unrequited yearning for the distant memory of yesteryear sends piercing chills through her limbs. The somber night calls to her inner restlessness, and she explores its depths with an answer. With windblown hair, she laces up her shoes, zips into a pullover, and into the darkness she goes. Faster and faster, one foot in front of the other, she moves to the beat of the music. One says she appears to be hunting, while others say it appears she's the prey; both see her for who she is, but is it what it seems? Into the nightly foliage, she sprints through the 300-year-old oak trees; a brush of sap reminds her she is still there. Deep-seated forces are at play, and she dashes to see what they have to tell her. As she inches closer, they are just out of reach, and she pushes even harder. Feet pounding the sand at an alarming rate. Is it what it seems? Snap, brush, bang, she takes a tumble. She looks up and sees herself beaten, battered, dirty, and cut. She gets up, brushes it off, and sprints back to her start. In the morning, she awakes and finds her shoes still laced, her pullover still on, and she is still bruised. What happened to me?
Keep Shining Loves
“I’m Blessed”
Hi guys! So, I made it through week two, and it was much better, I was able to practice some transactions, and I even got to help a few customers with simple things! This week felt, work-wise, a lot less stressful!. I want to share with you all one of my customer interactions! One of the customers came in, and the girl I was shadowing began to help him; during the interaction, he would say things like, "I'm blessed," "God Bless you," and "to God be the glory," now these things struck me as odd, not because I didn't believe those things to be true.
Vulnerable Moment:
I’m still struggling to find my way
The young lady I was shadowing took the bait and asked, "are you a pastor," and at that moment, I became wary of him. In his response, it's almost like he was waiting to be asked so he could talk about it! Still, it oftentimes felt that he was forcing it so that we would conclude him. So he goes into his story of how he is a minister, how we must have seen his anointing and all those beautiful things. Now, again, this interaction struck me as odd because growing up in a family of ministers, this isn't how they acted in one way or another. They never boasted, bragged, or tried to make themselves appear "high and mighty," but this particular "minister" did. Now, you guys maybe like jazz, you sound crazy, and to some of you, that may be true, but I want to ask you this, have you ever spoken to someone and your gut was like, Ummm, I don't know about this one? If so, that is the vibe I got from him.
“He began prophesying over me”
He then began to "prophesy" over me and the young lady sitting next to me. If you have ever experienced this from a "false prophet," you know that most have a generic way of "speaking." They start with a generalized thing. They then throw in some gibberish to appear as though they are "speaking tongues," Then, based on your reaction to the general, they attempt to get specific. Now, I am pretty wary of people trying to speak to my spirit, being that my body is my temple, and I don't want to allow any negative energy into it. So, I began to get gravely uncomfortable during his speech because, in his attempt to connect, my spirit said don't let him in, keep him at the gate. So I did. I allowed him to continue and took his words with a grain of salt.
It takes a village to raise a child right; it also takes a village to save them!
Once he was finished, he began to brag and boast yet again about his "substantial" following and "students" he had, and it just started to further make me uncomfortable. However, I could laugh, smile, and play it off quite well. I even had the girl next to me fooled, lol; the key to acting is that there is some truth in what you do, hahaha, like I know! But anywho, just to catch you all up, last week was much better. I learned new things, and next week my training officially starts.
Just A Reminder
Black Girls
As always, thank you ALL for allowing me to share my passions and experiences with you! I hope that my blog inspires you to go after what you want and believe in yourself because I believe in you! Now strike your POWER POSE- We got this, LET’S GET TO IT!!
Keep Shining Loves