Through the Looking Glass
Through the Looking Glass
Through the looking glass and past old habits, down the road less traveled to a destination back by popular demand. The highs and lows of life's roller coaster leave one adrenaline-filled body yearning for more. Eyes brimmed bright and hope high as a kite, kaleidoscope views of accomplishments and pastimes, going the interpretation up to you! You squint, and you peek, and then you shall see that which had long eluded your grasp. Hope and truth emerge through stifled wisdom and muted beliefs. Through the looking glass and past old habits, down the road less traveled to destination back by popular demand, hey you, there, future, past, and present, I know you, and you have some nerve showing your face here, after all, you put me through. And future, as for you, just wait, I've got something special planned for you! Looking glass, you sneaky being, strike one, strike two, dare we say three! Shot down once, twice, thrice, and you're out! The unyielding strength to rise through the fight, through the looking glass, my friend, your clear line of sight.
Keep Shining Loves
He will give you the STRENGTH
This week is one for the books. I was whisked back into the workforce this week, and I must say the routine is appreciated. I told you all I had gotten a new job, if you guys remember. Well, there was a hiccup with that, but no worries, we are back and better. Hear me when I say when God gives you something, he doesn't take it away; what is for you will be for you! Delayed doesn't mean denied! Now, in that same breath, it doesn't mean he will make it easy for you! But he will give you the strength and tools necessary to overcome. You just have to learn how to maximize them. This past week has been quite challenging, to say the least, not because I had so much to do; it was quite the opposite, really.
Vulnerable Moment:
I was filled with anxiety
I had absolutely nothing to do but sit there and twiddle my thumbs; why you ask, because I wasn't in the system! Yep, you heard me right, so I'd gotten the email from the recruiter last Thursday that I was cleared to start on Monday, just in time for the training class that would happen that following Thursday. Now, I was STOKED for someone who has been waiting nearly three months to start a new position! So I send her back an enthusiastic YES! Monday comes, and I arrive at my new location, and immediately I am hit with anxiety! I was so confused because I felt like I had been waiting for this for so long, and it was finally here, so if thought joy and relief would be my reaction, but no! When I got inside, I understood why anxiety was the selected response. Sometimes our bodies tell us things before we realize there is a problem! So when I walked in, the vibe was drab, unfriendly, and stark. Being someone who is generally bubbly and upbeat, that was an unwelcomed change of pace for me. I thought maybe it was first-day jitters, and it would clear up soon!
“Even with my struggles, I believe in Myself!”
Keep listening, so I walk into the manager's office, and she has me go through the system to set up my information! HALT! I can't get in, so I try again and FAIL! After some research and a few calls, I find out I'm not in the system! WHAAATT? Ok. So she says maybe tomorrow! Tomorrow gets here and, you guessed it, STILL NOT THERE! I found out that the recruiter didn't "properly hire me," whatever that means! So my manager makes some more calls, sends someone emails, and says maybe tomorrow.
It takes a village to raise a child right; it also takes a village to save them!
All in all, I didn't get into the system until FRIDAY, and I spent the entire week anxiety-ridden and feeling unwelcomed. When Friday got here, I was ecstatic because I could finally do something, so I caught up on training, did some compliance courses, and then poked around in the system to see if I could learn something. As it stands now, I am in limbo about if I will be able to get into the training class that happens next Thursday so pray for me yall, because if I can't get into that one, I don't know when the next one is, and I CANT spend another moment just sitting there! I'll update you guys next week! You know what, even though I have ups and downs and sometimes I don’t think I am strong enough I constantly remind myself that I am still here and that even in my struggles I still believe in myself and that’s all that matters.
Just A Reminder
Black Girls
As always, thank you ALL for allowing me to share my passions and experiences with you! I hope that my blog inspires you to go after what you want and believe in yourself because I believe in you! Now strike your POWER POSE- We got this, LET’S GET TO IT!!
Keep Shining Loves