Time Away
Please Understand
Long days and even longer nights, headaches and pains, stress and confusion. I need time to rest! With my heart racing and my hands sweating, and my body full of anxiety, I know I just need time to rest. As time seems to move quicker than my feet and work feels like a whirlwind of disorientation, I know I just need time to rest. Please understand that this is not goodbye, but simply see you later. I will be back just at the top of the year! You all deserver the best and that is what I will give you! No half-ass excuse, just genuine honesty. Please understand that I need to take this time to regroup and refocus. I love you all and will see you at the top of 2022!! Until then, Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and HAPPY NEW YEAR Loves! See you all soon! Thank you for understanding!
Keep Shining Loves
Our 2021!
The Macabre Before the Merriment
It’s a Ballground Kinda Day!
2021 has been one helluva year, RIGHT?? ! Just take a look at what we have done this year! We have talked about so much, had some pretty amazing adventures, and shared some moments! I am so excited to see what 2022 has for us! Although I won't see you all for the rest of the year, Prepare for 2022 to be even better! As long as we are in this together, I know we will succeed! Love yall lots; thank you so much for a fantastic 2021, and let's crush 2022; see yall NEXT YEAR!!!
Safe Space
My Turtle Shell
Isn’t She Lovely!
No Judgement Here!
Vulnerable Moment:
I am so scared of not being enough!
Look at what we’ve done!
I will see ya’ll in 2022!
2021 has been a year for me; remember when I told yall I had some news? Well, here it is
-My non-profit got CERTIFIED
-I got a new GOD DAUGHTER
-I got a RAISE
And to top it all off, I have lost 25 pounds this year and have been able to find peace in my life, or at least mostly! I can't thank you all enough for hanging in there with me these past two years, and I am so grateful that you enjoy my content and my silliness! You deserver to smile every day, even during turmoil! You deserve everything you have worked for, and I want you to claim it as yours! Happy holidays guys, and I will see yall in 2022! I hope that your 2022 is EVERYTHING you ever imagined life to be and so much more!
Black Girls
.As always, thank you ALL for allowing me to share my passions and experiences with you! I hope that my blog inspires you to go after what you want and believe in yourself because I believe in you! Now strike your POWER POSE- We got this, LET’S GET TO IT!!
Keep Shining Loves