Just A Moment
The perpetuation of life, feelings, and self can sometimes be too much to handle. I want nothing more than to be at peace with myself and my choices. What about you all? Hey, hey beautiful people, how goes it? So how shas my past weekbeen? It went pretty good; not much to brag about except that I am here, and that is enough for me. Lately, I have been finding it harder and harder to write for you guys. It is feeling more like a chore and less like a release, so I am going to take a break. I am not quitting; I think I need to take a mental break. I have so much going on, and I want to be sure that I give you all the best possible me you can get. I think I told you all last week that I started therapy. It's going pretty well; I am working on my vulnerability and controlling my feelings. My organization always got an offer from a local youth organization to be a part of their youth summer safety week!
Things are moving along
My only problem, guys, is that I can't find the will to enjoy it, don't be like me! My problem is that when something is going well for me, I stand waiting patiently for the other shoe to drop, which is frustrating for me. Lately, I have been thinking a lot about what will make me happy, and I keep landing on the same thing—an RV lifestyle with the opportunity to expand my non-profit. So now you're probably wondering, well, Jazz, why don't you do that? That is a great question, and to it, I respond, because I have bills, I don't have a plan, and I am not sure how. Life is all about the unknown and the undiscovered, right? Maybe, but I keep wanting to have a plan, and yes, I know you can't plan for everything, but I desperately want to know that if I quit my job, buy an RV, and sell my house, everything will be ok! LOL, I heard it too! But a girl can dream, right?
So back to this me needing time away thing, so lately I have been feeling full, and not in a satisfactory way but in a nauseating way. Full in such a way that I feel like if I don't step back from something, I will explode. So instead of exploding my irrationalities all over everyone, I have opted to pause for a moment and take in my progress. What does this mean for us? What is mean is that I hope to return in July and be ready to rock and roll. The tricky thing about self-care is you can't put a time frame on it; you get better when you get better. Just to let; you all in on my psyche.
Vulnerable Moment: I need time to re-group and be a better me
So back to this me needing time away thing, so lately I have been feeling full, and not in a satisfactory way but in a nauseating way. Full in such a way that I feel like if I don't step back from something, I will explode. So instead of exploding my irrationalities all over everyone, I have opted to pause for a moment and take in my progress.
What does this mean for us? What is mean is that I hope to return in July and be ready to rock and roll. The tricky thing about self-care is you can't put a time frame on it; you get better when you get better. Just to let; you all in on my psyche; As I was typing this, I thought; Jazz, you are still in the building stages of this thing. You can't afford to take a break. You need to push through the pain. Do you guys hear all that negative self-talk? Yea, somethines that's what we do to ourselves. We know we need a break, but our subconscious rears its ugly head trying to talk us out of it.
Listen To Yourself
Listen To Yourself 〰️
It takes a village to raise a child right; it also takes a village to save them!
You know your limits, you know what you can handle, and you know when you need a break. Don't let negative self-talk keep you from taking care of yourself. That's where I am right now. I am re-framing my focus; I am saying Jazz, you have worked hard these past few years. You deserve this break, so take it and enjoy it; your blog will be here when you return, and you will be better because of it. Never let anything compromise your peace and your self-care.
So guys, for now, this is see you later, with hopes of returning in July. As I said, there is no timeline for mental healing, but I do hope to be back in July! Thank you all for sticking with me thus far and reading my random thoughts! My prayer is to return and be better for you!
Just A Reminder
Black Girls
As always, thank you ALL for allowing me to share my passions and experiences with you! I hope that my blog inspires you to go after what you want and believe in yourself because I believe in you! Now strike your POWER POSE- We got this, LET’S GET TO IT!!
Keep Shining Loves