6-Month Plan To Quit
Feliz Lunes, mi amgios! (Happy Monday, My Friends)! Job go you stressed out? Boss got you overworked? Are you ALWAYS Tired? Just sick of the sh*t? Well, I have news for you, it's entirely within your control to change ALL-LAT! All you need is a plan! I don't know about you and your parents, but my dad is from the era of the baby boomers, and his ideal life is, find a job, stay for 40 years and retire! Me and my generation are literally known as "The Job-Hoping Generation," and rightfully so! I am a firm believer in being a part of something meaningful and working someplace I feel valued, respected, heard, connected, engaged, active, and above all else, PAID!
Ok, back to my dad and me. So, probably every year for the past, since I graduated college, I have talked to my dad about how I am never satisfied with the job I landed, and for whatever reason, I want to leave. It never fails. He always comes to the rescue with his famous dad speech, "Jazz, you have to put your time in somewhere, there are going to be things you don't like about every job that you have, are you going to leave each time?" I bet you all can guess what my answer usually is! I believe that if you aren't happy in any situationship, you need to exit. About four months ago, I took a small sabbatical in the woods! You guys remember my Turtle Shell Blog! Before that moment, I had been feverishly searching for jobs for months, getting interviews, getting offers, but turning them down because I didn't think I would be happy there. I know, I know, well Jazz, why did you apply in the first place?
Great question; I applied to keep my interview skills fresh. I wanted to be sure that when the time came for me to apply for a job, I wanted I would be ready and comfortable. But, I digress, So I took a small sabbatical in the woods because I needed to get away! I was unhinging. I needed to re-group and re-center myself. I knew I needed to make some changes during my time there because I wasn't happy with most of my life aspects. So, I decided I needed to quit, but being the person I am, I couldn't just go back to work and say I quit. I needed to have a plan! Thus, I developed my 6-month plan to quit! If you are like me, then you understand the importance of timing, scheduling, and structure. Today I invite you, if you are unhappy in a job, in an area of your life, or want to change something, let's make a plan together to change it! I don't know about you, but when I get excited about something, it usually lasts for a while, and then I forget about it and fall back into my rut until my motivation squad reminds me that if I don't make the change,, nothing is going to change. So, let's be each other's, motivation squad! When you feel like your plan is too complicated or try to make concessions for your current situations, drop a comment and seek out the team, and we can talk each other through it!
Alrighty, now, the plan. In the woods on that faithful day, I developed the following method. You can tweak and adjust to your life and your situation.
The first thing I did was create a Why! remember the #7DayReFocusChallenge? During this challenge, I shared with you all in the I Ain' Worried Bout' Nothin' blog the importance of developing a strong WHY for anything that you do! The following is mine:
My Why
I am developing this plan because I need to make a change in my work life. I am increasingly unhappy and am done making concessions for why I should, could, or would stay. I am focusing on myself and my choices because I no longer want to be just a dispensable employee. -Jazz
Month 1:
Use month one to set your foundation for success. For me, it was to focus on my blog and my branding. What is it that you want to focus on the most? There may be many areas in your life that you want to change, and this step may be challenging. If this is the case for you, I invite you to list the areas of your life you want to improve, Finances, Relationships, Health, etc. Then rank those areas 1-10 with where you feel you are now. Doing so should make it a bit easier for you to decide where to start. I went a bit deeper, and under each of my headings, I put specifics. For Example, Under my finances, I listed Savings, Investments, Debt. I then rated these areas, which gave me an overall rating for the area of Finance in my life. Remember, this is your plan, and you are in control of it!
Month 2:
Set Goals! Do you have a hobby that you want to turn into a business? Is it your health? What's that passion that you haven't started yet? Will you need an alternative stream of income? Or, maybe you just want to find another job that makes more money, where you will be happier. Whatever that looks like for you, do it! Lay the groundwork for that business, find that therapist or fitness coach, look for those mentors again, adjust the plan for your needs. Keep in mind this does not mean stop doing the steps in month one. This means keep moving forward but take each month with you! My month two focuses on building my All Things Jazzie Blog and my Blue Moon Vibes Podcast.
Month 3:
Get specific and Assess. have you met the goals you set in month 2? Why or Why not? How will you keep the momentum, or how will you be sure to meet your goals going forward? Six months go by in the blink of an eye, so there is no time to waste! You are halfway there; the time to get serious was yesterday!
Some Goals Can Look Like This
Work 10 hours overtime each week at current job to save $3,000 by the end of the plan
Get Blog page to 1,000 likes by being more engaged on social media for 1-2 hours a day
Research how to build a brand and make a logo.
Your Assessment May Sound Like
Month 1:
My lowest area was health, so I set a plan to lose 1 pound a week
My lowest area was Finances, and I planned to reduce unnecessary spending and decrease my debt.
Month 2:
I realized that health was my lowest score, and I have lost 8 pounds since starting my plan,
I realized that Finances was my lowest score, and I haven't adjusted enough to meet my savings goal; what can I change. Again don't forget to build on each month! Change comes when you make a change!
Choose What’s Best For YOU!
I want you to know that a plan to quit doesn't mean that you are giving up! It means that you know that there are better options for you and you know that you deserve them!
For my month three assessment, I realized I hadn't been as aggressive with my social media as I should have and thus did not make my target for the month! Missing a goal doesn't mean you failed; it means you need to make adjustments to not allow for more shortcomings of the same type.
Month 4:
Begin writing your resignation! Why so early, you ask, because it gives you something to push you harder! If it's a job, how many interviews have you had? If it's a business, how much traction have you built? If it's your health, how much has it improved? You are still working your current job. Have you taken advantage of the resources they have? have you exhausted all possibilities more than once? How is your plan shaping up? Does it need to be adjusted? My month four consisted of research, and job applications along with 1-2 hours of social media, while still planning my post and searching for public speaking opportunities.
Month 5:
The moment of truth is almost here, and you have 4-8 weeks depending on how you look at the month before you can quit. Although this plan focused on me being able to quit my job, it can be used for anything. Continue to build on what you have started over the past four months. If your goals were specific enough and you practiced self-discipline, you could very well have amassed the beginnings of a profitable alternative.
My Month Five Looks Like This
6 months Of Savings:
7 am Wake Up:
350 Likes on Blog Page:
10K listens on Podcasts:
Positioned to Quit:
Total in Savings:
Number of Days I Got Up at 7 am:
% Increase or Decrease From the Start:
Plans After I Quit:
Month 6
For me:
Submit Notice
Blog generating revenue
New JOB!!!
For you, that could be health better, debt-free, better relationship with family! Whatever that looks like for you, know that you did it! You are in control of your story. For someone who has a problem with believing they can control every aspect, I think it is important to note that although you are the writer of your story, there will be things that you didn't see coming, mishaps, failures, lessons, and the like. Do not look at these as things happening TO you. Think of them as things happing FOR you. Your story will ALWAYS be yours. There will, however, be outside factors at play that may delay your victory day! Use this plan as a general guide for your victory!
As always, thank you ALL for allowing me to share my passions and experiences with you! I hope that my blog inspires you to go after what you want and believe in yourself because I believe in you! Now strike your POWER POSE- We got this, LET’S GET TO IT!!
Keep Shining Loves