The Fight in YOU
The Other Side
When weeks turn to weaks, and you just can't see the way, down on bended knee is what my father would say. Tossings, turnings, and unrest of the mind leave you thinking life can not be this unkind. You smile, and you pray, and you push, led astray, by the wonderings and wishings that it was a bit different. And then, as if from nowhere, your luck turns starkly, and then your truth starts to shine. When you've known all along you were meant for greater, destined for success, and positioned to learn, you see why this season was so strong. Finally, you say, I've made it, I've done it, forgetting all the while who carried you through. Wherein does your strength lie? Who gave you that valor? How did you weather the storm? Remember that bended knee not so long ago? Who answered that call and wiped those tears? Who gave you that peace in those moments of anxiousness? Where did you find that will to keep going? Let us not forget in our times of triumph who had our backs, carried us when we couldn't walk, and encouraged us when we doubted.
Keep Shining Loves
No one has your back like the Lord
Happy Mondy, my friends! Before you get mad, hear me out! I know I missed last week and I am so sorry. I have been having horrible anxiety attacks and have been relentlessly nauseous. My will to live overtook my purpose, and I lost sight of my goal! But I am still here! I remembered that I was worthy and deserved a great life, but the only way to get there was to do the work. I know that diamonds are built under pressure, and that pressure is the pusher, I just forget sometimes, AND THAT IS OK! But, I don't give up!
Vulnerable Moment:
I almost gave up
Every time I go through something challenging, I think I will break. I think I should give up and just quit. The joy and appreciation come when I make it to the other side and look back. Under no circumstances am I saying what I went through was easy, and YES, there were times I thought I would break down and take my life, BUT GOD! Even when I KNEW but didn't CARE, I still pushed. The days where I had those thoughts of quitting, leaving it all behind, I saw. I am here to say that yes, I bent, but no, I didn't break. I am back, guys! There are going to be days when you don't feel like doing something, and there are going to be days when you just can't. You will know the difference.
“You have to make the effort”
On the days where you just can't, take some time, re-frame your focus, as my life coach would say, feel the feelings but don't wallow in them. You are entitled to rest. Never let someone tell you how long you should feel, how long you should take. You take the time you need to bend, but don't you break because you got this! You are strong enough, worthy enough, and built for this!
All last week I spent pitying myself and achieving nothing; I played the victim and the assistance of my fate. After I was done pitying myself and stressing out, I decided to make a plan. I said I would not do this to myself anymore; I deserve better. So I got up and did it! I got a job, an assistant, and some help on the same day! And you can too! What I mean by that is, what do you need to help make your life go smoother?
It takes a village to raise a child right; it also takes a village to save them!
Is it therapy, another set of hands, or do you just need to step back? What is it? I challenge you to learn what that something is and get it. You are the author of your life, so what does it look like. No one can motivate you as you can. I can tell you all day that you can do it and be your cheerleader, but ultimately the choice is yours. The decision to take action will come down to you. I will be here when you slip, slide, fall, and succeed, but without effort, none of those things will happen! What is your goal for yourself today? Is there something you have been putting off? If so, DO IT!
Just A Reminder
Black Girls
As always, thank you ALL for allowing me to share my passions and experiences with you! I hope that my blog inspires you to go after what you want and believe in yourself because I believe in you! Now strike your POWER POSE- We got this, LET’S GET TO IT!!
Keep Shining Loves